Bon Voyage, Rummy Bon Voyage, Rummy
In April of 2003, The Nation called for Donald Rumsfeld's resignation as Secretary of Defense. "The indictment has many counts," we wrote, "from misrepresenting the threat posed b...
Nov 15, 2006 / Peter Rothberg
Dismay Grows Over US Torture School Dismay Grows Over US Torture School
As peace activists converge on Fort Benning for the annual demonstration to shut down the School of the Americas, companion protests are taking place across Latin America, as revul...
Nov 15, 2006 / Feature / Patrick Mulvaney
Waxman for Majority Leader? Waxman for Majority Leader?
Frustrated by Jack Murtha's ethical skeletons and stand on choice and guns? Angry about Steny Hoyer's numerous ties to K Street corporate lobbyists? Well, there should be a third...
Nov 15, 2006 / The Nation
The Death of News The Death of News
In cities across America, reporters are being laid off, TV stations are cutting back coverage and the newspaper industry is crumbling to dust. When it all shakes out, will Wikipedi...
Nov 15, 2006 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman
Pelosi Gets Tough Pelosi Gets Tough
Vin Weber, a former Republican Congressman from Minnesota and top advisor to Newt Gingrich, said something interesting about Nancy Pelosi right before the election. "She will be a...
Nov 15, 2006 / The Nation
Back to the Future With Trent Lott Back to the Future With Trent Lott
After losing the House and the Senate in the November 7 election, Republicans have been talking about how to create a new and more appealing public image for the Congressional par...
Nov 15, 2006 / John Nichols
The ‘Burbs Go Blue The ‘Burbs Go Blue
Independents and moderate Republicans made the difference in the midterm election. VideoNation correspondents Sam Graham-Felsen and Ari Berman traveled to a swing district in Penns...
Nov 15, 2006 / Ari Berman and Sam Graham-Felsen
Murtha’s No Leftie: He’s Right Murtha’s No Leftie: He’s Right
As Democrats choose between a stalwart critic of the Iraq War and a proponent of Bush policies for Majority Leader, Fox News gets in the act, casting centrist Pennnsylvania Rep. J...
Nov 15, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer
Stage Left on Choice: Finding a ‘middle ground’ on abortion is a bad idea Stage Left on Choice: Finding a ‘middle ground’ on abortion is a bad idea
Finding a "middle ground" on abortion is a bad idea.
Nov 14, 2006 / The Nation