
Democracy Promotion Now (continued) Democracy Promotion Now (continued)

Recently I wrote of the need for an expansive agenda of Democracy promotion here at home to strengthen and repair our broken electoral system. The urgency of one critical element...

Nov 13, 2006 / The Nation

Conservative Dissonance Conservative Dissonance

Republicans are drawing an odd lesson from Tuesday's defeat: they weren't conservative enough. Conservatives abandoned their small-government principles, a growing consensus alle...

Nov 13, 2006 / The Nation

A Presidential Vote for Torture A Presidential Vote for Torture

Last Wednesday, the President held a news conference in the wake of that election thumpin' in which he announced the sacking of Donald Rumsfeld, made (strained) jokes, pledged him...

Nov 13, 2006 / The Nation

Pelosi Backs Murtha Pelosi Backs Murtha

When Nancy Pelosi becomes Speaker of the House, Democrats will have to fill the position of majority leader. The complex contest pits Pennsylvania Democrat John Murtha, who has be...

Nov 13, 2006 / The Nation

Truth and Reconciliation–US-style Truth and Reconciliation–US-style

In an interview with last week, Congressman Dennis Kucinich--in line to be Chair of the Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and Inte...

Nov 13, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Feingold Won’t Seek Democratic Nod Feingold Won’t Seek Democratic Nod

U.S. Senator Russ Feingold, D-Wisconsin, who many progressive activists had encouraged to seek the Democratic nomination for the presidency in 2008, has decided against making th...

Nov 12, 2006 / John Nichols

Listening to a Veteran Listening to a Veteran

Next week, one of the greatest war heroes to ever serve in Congress will return to Washington to discuss how the U.S. should extract itself from the quagmire in Iraq. Former Sen....

Nov 11, 2006 / John Nichols

Whither the Rainbow in the Blue Wave? Whither the Rainbow in the Blue Wave?

In the midst of Democratic victories on Tuesday, a series of anti-immigrant initiatives passed. In Arizona, voters defeated the worst anti-immigrant hardliners, such as Minuteman ...

Nov 11, 2006 / The Nation

Listening to a Veteran Listening to a Veteran

Next week, one of the greatest war heroes to ever serve in Congress will return to Washington to discuss how the U.S. should extract itself from the quagmire in Iraq. Former Sen....

Nov 11, 2006 / The Nation

Ellen Willis, 1941-2006 Ellen Willis, 1941-2006

Friends and colleagues remember Ellen Willis, political essayist, journalist, rock critic and valued contributor to The Nation, who died November 9.

Nov 11, 2006 / The Nation
