Letter From Canada: The New Christian Right Letter From Canada: The New Christian Right
Canada's new conservative prime minister is forging ties with US conservatives and evangelicals as Canada moves toward an Americanized Christian state.
Nov 9, 2006 / Feature / Chris Hedges
A New Idea Grows in Alabama A New Idea Grows in Alabama
Poverty, race and obesity have a lot in common. In Alabama an underfunded federal program addresses the problem by providing fresh produce to low-income residents and seniors.
Nov 9, 2006 / Feature / Mark Winne
‘Arrows for the War’ ‘Arrows for the War’
The Christian "Quiverfull" movement measures a mother's spiritual resolve by the number of children she raises, each one an arrow in the quiver of God's army.
Nov 9, 2006 / Feature / Kathryn Joyce
Time to Abolish the Editorial Page? Time to Abolish the Editorial Page?
Do newspapers really need special pages for political pronouncements, stentorian tone and candidate endorsements?
Nov 9, 2006 / Column / Eric Alterman
Keeping Up Appearances Keeping Up Appearances
What are we to make of those who would equate Muslim women who wear the veil with the threat of terrorism?
Nov 9, 2006 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
A Win for Women A Win for Women
Thanks to a thoughtful grassroots campaign, voters in South Dakota rejected a draconian abortion ban.
Nov 9, 2006 / Liza Featherstone
A Silver Lining for House Republicans A Silver Lining for House Republicans
At least one person in the GOP might feel relieved.
Nov 9, 2006 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Haggard Values Haggard Values
The homophobic values vote took a body blow in the midterm elections, helped along by hypocrisy in high places.
Nov 9, 2006 / Richard Kim
Fixing Elections Fixing Elections
Let's stop obsessing over conspiracy and focus on the real problem: lack of reliability, transparency and accountability in our electoral system.
Nov 9, 2006 / Andrew Gumbel
A New Southern Strategy A New Southern Strategy
The midterm elections proved to Democrats that the South must not be written off. The key to winning rural and working-class voters in Dixie is the same as anywhere else.
Nov 9, 2006 / Bob Moser