A Silver Lining for House Republicans A Silver Lining for House Republicans
At least one person in the GOP might feel relieved.
Nov 9, 2006 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Haggard Values Haggard Values
The homophobic values vote took a body blow in the midterm elections, helped along by hypocrisy in high places.
Nov 9, 2006 / Richard Kim
Fixing Elections Fixing Elections
Let's stop obsessing over conspiracy and focus on the real problem: lack of reliability, transparency and accountability in our electoral system.
Nov 9, 2006 / Andrew Gumbel
A New Southern Strategy A New Southern Strategy
The midterm elections proved to Democrats that the South must not be written off. The key to winning rural and working-class voters in Dixie is the same as anywhere else.
Nov 9, 2006 / Bob Moser
And Now, Iraq And Now, Iraq
The election is over; the war is not. And George W. Bush is suddenly in one tight corner.
Nov 9, 2006 / David Corn
Measuring the Mandate Measuring the Mandate
Democrats will claim their electoral mandate by understanding how they won: by fielding activist candidates with a clear antiwar message and by defending civil liberties.
Nov 9, 2006 / John Nichols
It’s Over for Bush It’s Over for Bush
As voters expressed their disgust, this election signaled a repudiation of the corrupt Bush regime, a clear antiwar victory and the collapse of the conservative order.
Nov 9, 2006 / The Editors
We Voted for Peace We Voted for Peace
End-the-war energy fueled the success of "Bring Our Troops Home" ballot initiatives in communities throughout Wisconsin, Illinois and Massachusetts on Tuesday. In Wisconsin, vo...
Nov 9, 2006 / The Nation
Tuesday’s Stunners Tuesday’s Stunners
Few people thought there would be a competitive race in Iowa's 2nd Congressional district, including myself--and I grew up there! The local Congressman, Jim Leach, was an old-sch...
Nov 9, 2006 / The Nation