
A Referendum on Rumsfeld A Referendum on Rumsfeld

George Bush brought it upon himself. He could have seen out the 2006 campaign season without discussing the fact that no one – with the exception of some joker who rode out the...

Nov 5, 2006 / The Nation

A Referendum on Rumsfeld A Referendum on Rumsfeld

George Bush brought it upon himself. He could have seen out the 2006 campaign season without discussing the fact that no one – with the exception of some joker who road out the...

Nov 5, 2006 / John Nichols

Que Pasa en Oaxaca? Que Pasa en Oaxaca?

A virtual state of siege prevails in Oaxaca, where military police have occupied the central square, clearing barricades and detaining scores of activists.

Nov 4, 2006 / Feature / Michael McCaughan

Neo Culpa Neo Culpa

As I left work yesterday, on the eve of this referendum on the Bush Administration's failed, disastrous policies--especially the neocon-led invasion of Iraq, I got a PR email blas...

Nov 4, 2006 / The Nation

Bad News for Bush: He’s Headed for Nebraska Bad News for Bush: He’s Headed for Nebraska

Two years ago, George Bush beat John Kerry in Nebraska by a 66-33 margin. The Republican president carried all but one of the state's counties, as Republican candidates swept to e...

Nov 4, 2006 / John Nichols

Soldiers Get Political Soldiers Get Political

Vote Vets, a coalition of soldiers who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, have produced three of the best and most powerful tv ads of this political season. These ads show how prof...

Nov 3, 2006 / The Nation

The Peace Race (Continued) The Peace Race (Continued)

Last November, when the falsehoods and deceptions that led our nation into the Iraq War were already clear, as were the staggering human and economic costs, The Nation made this ...

Nov 3, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Another GOP Sex Scandal Another GOP Sex Scandal

It's becoming to difficult to keep track of all the Republican sex scandals these days. The latest "moral values" offender is Reverend Ted Haggard, head of the 14,000-member New L...

Nov 3, 2006 / The Nation

Women’s Voices Women’s Voices

Most Nation readers don't need to be told that they should vote. But an astounding number of eligible Americans regularly forgo their electoral rights. Not many more than half o...

Nov 3, 2006 / Peter Rothberg

Memo to Kerry: Criticize, Don’t Apologize Memo to Kerry: Criticize, Don’t Apologize

John Kerry should stop being nice about the Deserter in Chief. He should be reminding voters that the President who has sent more than 3,000 US soldiers and allies and untold thous...

Nov 3, 2006 / Feature / Ian Williams
