
Microcredit, Macro Issues Microcredit, Macro Issues

The Swedish Academy bestowed this year's Nobel Peace Prize to Muhammad Yunus, the father of microcredit. It's easy to believe Yunus's low-interest loans to the poor are a silver b...

Oct 15, 2006 / Walden Bello

Escape From Iraq Escape From Iraq

Bring back Saddam. Spring him from the slammer and put the old dictator back to work. Otherwise, we're never gonna get out of Iraq.

Oct 14, 2006 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman

What Garbage Tells Us about Iraq What Garbage Tells Us about Iraq

Every now and then, a set of figures buried in some newspaper piece just jumps out and grabs you by the throat. When we talk about the situation in Iraq, it's usually about the p...

Oct 14, 2006 / The Nation

Anna Politkovskaya Anna Politkovskaya

The killing of Anna Politkovskaya October 7 has rallied hercolleagues and fellow citizens in a way few recent events have. "Wemust all change the situation after this tragedy and...

Oct 14, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Indonesian Mother Sews Halloween Costumes For 60,000 Children Indonesian Mother Sews Halloween Costumes For 60,000 Children

"I try to put a little extra love in each seam I stitch, or epoxy, or hot-glue, or heat-seal," said factory worker Weninng Panggi.

Oct 13, 2006 / The Nation

Advocacy for Sale Advocacy for Sale

Armstrong Williams. Maggie Gallagher. Doug Bandow. All of these people accepted money from the Bush Administration or big business, never disclosed it and then claimed to be indep...

Oct 13, 2006 / The Nation

James Baker’s Iraq James Baker’s Iraq

Americans, wherever they may actually stand, love to present themselves as in the moderate middle of any debate, just as politicians regularly gravitate toward the "center," no ma...

Oct 13, 2006 / The Nation

2008: Warner Is Out; Edwards Gets a Boost 2008: Warner Is Out; Edwards Gets a Boost

The early line on former Virginia Governor Mark Warner's surprise decision to scrap an expected bid for the 2OO8 Democratic presidential nomination is that this is good news for N...

Oct 13, 2006 / John Nichols

The Coming Gay Republican Purge The Coming Gay Republican Purge

How will the GOP woo back values voters after the Foley scandal? How about a purge of gay Republicans in Congress? That's the Rev. Don Wildmon's idea.

Oct 12, 2006 / Feature / Max Blumenthal

Taliban Rising Taliban Rising

If the corruption of Karzai's government is Afghanistan's new cancer, then the Taliban are increasingly seen as chemotherapy: an unpleasant but necessary remedy.

Oct 12, 2006 / Christian Parenti
