
Big Brother Is Watching Big Brother Is Watching

Amid the swirls of gun smoke from the Republican's circular firing squad in the Foleygate scandal, this little chestnut slipped through the media cracks. The Department of Homelan...

Oct 10, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Leave No Tax Cheat Behind Leave No Tax Cheat Behind

If President Bush and the Republican Congress would close the loopholes on tax cheats--especially the superrich--there would be ample money to improve the nation's public schools.

Oct 10, 2006 / Feature / John C. Fager

Deaf Students Raise Voices Deaf Students Raise Voices

Hundreds protest as Gallaudet's hiring controversy escalates.

Oct 10, 2006 / The Nation

Bush, Kerry — Yes, Kerry — and Korea Bush, Kerry — Yes, Kerry — and Korea

Flashback to September of 2004: In the midst of the presidential race between George Bush and John Kerry, North Korea threatened to initiate nuclear weapons tests. There was no ce...

Oct 10, 2006 / John Nichols

Quagmire Accomplished Quagmire Accomplished

Over 2,700 Americans killed – 24 soldiers were killed over a 5-day period last week and the Pentagon said improvised explosive device attacks are now "at an all-time high." Over...

Oct 10, 2006 / The Nation

Gone Nuclear: How the World Lost Its Way Gone Nuclear: How the World Lost Its Way

As the world reacts to news of North Korea's underground nuclear test, a crucial anniversary is observed: Twenty years ago at the Reykjavik Summit, Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorb...

Oct 10, 2006 / Feature / Richard Falk, Mary Kaldor, Randall Caroline Forsberg, and George Perkovich

Scary Halloween Treats Scary Halloween Treats

It has probably been many years since you were truly scared on Halloween. But what's genuinely frightening is chocolate. Not because it makes you fat -- or is "sinful", a weird ps...

Oct 9, 2006 / The Nation

The Drip, Drip, Drip of the Foley-Hastert Scandal The Drip, Drip, Drip of the Foley-Hastert Scandal

I appeared on ABC News This Week yesterday, as a member of its roundtable. (You can get a podcast of the show

Oct 9, 2006 / David Corn

“Speaker, Others Must Go” “Speaker, Others Must Go”

Dennis Hastert may still be Speaker of the House, after the Washington Times and other conservatives called on him to resign last week. But his job is not exactly secure, either. ...

Oct 9, 2006 / The Nation

No Blank Checks on Torture No Blank Checks on Torture

As the fight against the Administration's policies on torture and the terror detainees shifts to the Supreme Court, there is reason to be confident that the Justices will again rei...

Oct 9, 2006 / Feature / Jonathan Hafetz
