
Cultural Famine: A Cycle Cultural Famine: A Cycle

Famine is at its worst when people waste away and die. But there is another kind of famine: the death of the human soul--the emptiness and senseless cynicism in this country that h...

Oct 8, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Walter Mosley

Sanctioning Lawlessness Sanctioning Lawlessness

What's more important to Congress: America's standing in the world and the rule of law, or partisan advantage in the midterm elections?

Oct 8, 2006 / David Cole

Death of a Courageous Journalist Death of a Courageous Journalist

Russia and the world have lost a great and courageous journalist.

Oct 7, 2006 / The Nation

What Will Wal-Mart Do? What Will Wal-Mart Do?

On Monday, Bishop Alberto Ramento, a dedicated advocate for workers' rights, was stabbed to death in Tarlac City, in the Philippines. His body was found in his church. Local polic...

Oct 6, 2006 / The Nation

Rein in The Decider (continued) Rein in The Decider (continued)

First a bipartisan American Bar Association panel decried George W. Bush's unconstitutional use of signing statements. And now, according to The Boston Globe, the nonpartisan Con...

Oct 6, 2006 / The Nation

The Problem With the Mark Foley Problem The Problem With the Mark Foley Problem

Unfortunately, it appears those of us who have argued that the current ruckus on Capitol Hill is not a Mark Foley Scandal but a Republican Congressional Leadership Scandal may be ...

Oct 6, 2006 / John Nichols

Denny’s Man Denny’s Man

Yesterday the House Ethics Committee issued four dozen subpoenas but declined to appoint an outside counsel to investigate a possible cover-up of Mark Foley's conduct by the House...

Oct 6, 2006 / The Nation

N.J. Pride At Risk N.J. Pride At Risk

As someone who was born and raised in New Jersey I can assure you with some authenticity that New Jersey pride is often under-appreciated and overlooked. Personally, I've always ...

Oct 6, 2006 / The Nation

Waterboarding’s Comeback Waterboarding’s Comeback

Did you read Walter Pincus's important article in Thursday's Washington Post? Pincus--whose extraordinary reporting has been a rare beacon of truth and accountability in these las...

Oct 6, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Teach the Children Well Teach the Children Well

Escalating violence in Iraq has resulted in the deaths of 24 US soldiers since Saturday, and the Pentagon just reported that IED attacks are taking place at an unprecedented rate....

Oct 5, 2006 / Peter Rothberg
