Hastert Under Mounting Pressure Hastert Under Mounting Pressure
House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Illinois, has scheduled a press conference this morning in Chicago. What will Hastert, who faces mounting pressure to quit over his mishandling of...
Oct 5, 2006 / The Nation

The Uphill Battle For Habeas Corpus in George W. Bush’s Washington, D.C. The Uphill Battle For Habeas Corpus in George W. Bush’s Washington, D.C.
As Republicans and Democrats voted to approve the Military Commission Act last week, those who love the law were mortified by its passage and angry at those who capitulated, but un...
Oct 4, 2006 / Feature / Michael Ratner
The Circle Fires The Circle Fires
The fallout from Foleygate keeps increasing. Just when it looks like Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert might be shoring up his support among conservatives, another bombshell dro...
Oct 4, 2006 / The Nation
A Progressive Response to Terror A Progressive Response to Terror
If the United States can abandon the idea of a "war" on terror in favor of a comprehensive and equitable collective response, we may have a shot at stopping the right from destroyi...
Oct 4, 2006 / Feature / Ken Miller
Stale Peanuts Stale Peanuts
All hands are on deck, and scrambling desperately, as the administration tries in vain to get its story straight regarding a July 10, 2001 meeting between then-National Security a...
Oct 4, 2006 / The Nation
The Real Cover-Up The Real Cover-Up
Far more important than the Foley affair is the Bush Administration and the GOP have molested Lady Liberty while pretending to guard our national security.
Oct 4, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer
The Costs of War (Continued) The Costs of War (Continued)
Last week, Congress authorized another $70 billion for Afghanistan and Iraq in 2007, with additional increases through 2009. According to the National Priorities Project (NPP), $...
Oct 4, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Tipping Point? Tipping Point?
Sometimes, the proximate cause of an unraveling, even an implosion, may catch everyone by surprise. This week the "tipping point" (to borrow a Bush administration phrase from the...
Oct 4, 2006 / The Nation
Hastert Lies Again, Gets Caught Again Hastert Lies Again, Gets Caught Again
This whole Denny Hastert scandal is moving beyond parody. Apparently, the Speaker of the House thinks that no one who actually follows the news listens to conservative talk radio...
Oct 4, 2006 / The Nation
Low-Key Leader for High-Anxiety Times Low-Key Leader for High-Anxiety Times
South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-moon now has a virtual lock on succeeding Kofi Annan as UN Secretary General. Does he have what it takes to be a mediator between Bush's Washin...
Oct 3, 2006 / Feature / Ian Williams