Test on Terrorism Test on Terrorism
The godfather of vicious anti-Castro violence, Luis Posada Carriles will soon be released from US custody. Is that any way to treat a terrorist?
Oct 2, 2006 / Peter Kornbluh
Failure to Protect Failure to Protect
Let's examine last week's five bombshells and look for the pattern: 1) According to Bob Woodward's new book, Condi Rice was warned two months before 9/11 of an impending al-Qaeda...
Oct 2, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
The Culture of Leaks The Culture of Leaks
The political culture of Washington is fueled by gossip, intrigue and leaks. It was a combination that turned toxic in the Valerie Plame Affair.
Oct 2, 2006 / David Corn
Stop Big Media (Again!) Stop Big Media (Again!)
Once again, media industry lobbyists and their allies on the Federal Communication Commission are working to revise the rules on media ownership to allow a single corporation to o...
Oct 2, 2006 / Peter Rothberg
George Bush’s Iraq in 4 Questions George Bush’s Iraq in 4 Questions
Over 1,291 days after the first "shock-and-awe" attack on downtown Baghdad, it's not unreasonable to speak of George Bush's Iraq. The President himself likes to refer to that coun...
Oct 2, 2006 / The Nation
RIP, Bill of Rights, RIP RIP, Bill of Rights, RIP
On February 19, 1942, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, which led to the internment of 120,000 Japanese civilians, 2/3 of whom were US citizens, in military camps a...
Oct 1, 2006 / The Nation
State of Denial State of Denial
Mark Foley's sexuality was never much of a secret to those who served with him in the House. The New York Times and every major newspaper in Florida had been writing articles on ...
Oct 1, 2006 / John Nichols
Doolittle for Democracy Doolittle for Democracy
On Capitol Hill Thursday, about 60 citizens wearing "Got Paper?" t-shirts attended a packed hearing on H.R. 550, a bill introduced by Representative Rush Holt with 218 bipartisan ...
Sep 30, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Height of Hypocrisy Height of Hypocrisy
Rep. Mark Foley co-chaired the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children. So it's particularly sickening that Foley suddenly resigned from the House today after details em...
Sep 29, 2006 / The Nation
Look East for a New UN Leader Look East for a New UN Leader
The election campaign for the UN's next Secretary General is the most transparent in history, but the politics are as murky as ever. As diplomatic wrangling continues, one thing is...
Sep 29, 2006 / Feature / Ian Williams