
Rigging the News in Iraq (continued) Rigging the News in Iraq (continued)

You remember the Lincoln Group? The guys the Pentagon paid tens of millions of dollars to pay-off Iraqi media and plant stories favorable to the U.S.? The same guys The New York...

Sep 29, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Ten Reasons Why the Wal-Mart Pundits Are Wrong Ten Reasons Why the Wal-Mart Pundits Are Wrong

The conventional wisdom that Wal-Mart is good for American business and good for consumers just doesn't hold up under scrutiny.

Sep 29, 2006 / Feature / Sarah Anderson and John Cavanagh

Tortuous Legislation Tortuous Legislation

Just how bad was the legislation on military detainees, aka the torture bill, that passed the House on Wednesday and the Senate last night? Read what the Washington Post had to s...

Sep 29, 2006 / The Nation

When They’re (Much Older Than) 64 When They’re (Much Older Than) 64

At a gathering I attended in the remote mountains of eastern Washington state this week -- a breathtakingly beautiful region of the country -- people were discussing actions they...

Sep 29, 2006 / The Nation

Choice for South Dakota Choice for South Dakota

Over the next week, pro-choice activists across the United States will hold potluck fundraisers to fight South Dakota's draconian abortion bill. The legislation, HB-1215, was sign...

Sep 29, 2006 / Peter Rothberg

Accessories to Torture Accessories to Torture

The only thing compromised in the Senate's catastrophic "compromise" of the enemy combatants bill is the rule of law and our democracy's basic principles.

Sep 29, 2006 / The Editors

Do or Die Time for Angelides Do or Die Time for Angelides

It's do or die time for California Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Phil Angelides -- but he's mostly dying. With just a handful of weeks to go in the re-election race of Govern...

Sep 29, 2006 / The Nation

Compromising on Torture–UPDATED Compromising on Torture–UPDATED

UPDATE: The Senate passed legislation a few hours ago that endorsed President George W. Bush's plan to prosecute and interrogate terrorism suspects. The 65-34 vote means the bill ...

Sep 28, 2006 / Peter Rothberg

If at First You Don’t Succeed If at First You Don’t Succeed

Okay, it wasn't on the front page of my hometown paper, but maybe it should have been. How many of you remember the fun folks at the Lincoln Group, an outfit that bills itself as...

Sep 28, 2006 / The Nation

Saints and the Superdome Saints and the Superdome

The hype-masters of sports would have us believe that the return of the New Orleans Saints to the Superdome is a sign of a city on the verge of resurrection. It's not.

Sep 28, 2006 / Column / Dave Zirin
