This Is What Waterboarding Looks Like This Is What Waterboarding Looks Like
As Congress has debated legislation that would set up military tribunals and govern the questioning of suspected terrorists (whom the Bush administration wo...
Sep 28, 2006 / David Corn
Green Wal-Mart Gets Meaner Green Wal-Mart Gets Meaner
Recently, I wrote an article for the magazine -- sorry, it's not available on the web unless you subscribe -- on Wal-Mart's recent decision to become a major player in the organic...
Sep 28, 2006 / The Nation
The Dubya Diaries The Dubya Diaries
"Some expert on CNN said, 'A stitch in time saves nine.' And I thought, Doesn't anyone speak clearly anymore? Nine what?"
Sep 28, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Rosecrans Baldwin
A Metaphysical Materialist A Metaphysical Materialist
Philosopher Walter Benjamin married Marxism and theology in an attempt to give hope to the hopeless.
Sep 28, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Richard Wolin
Modern Love Modern Love
Two new biographies of Clement Greenberg take the measure of an ambitious art critic who had a knack for predicting success.
Sep 28, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Barry Schwabsky
Big $$ for Progressive Politics Big $$ for Progressive Politics
The Democracy Alliance is taking a page from the conservative Republican playbook by funding ideas instead of candidates. If only its leaders could agree on what those ideas are.
Sep 28, 2006 / Feature / Ari Berman
Revolt of the Generals Revolt of the Generals
Military generals are beginning to speak out against the incompetent, out-of-touch civilian leadership that is orchestrating the Iraq War.
Sep 28, 2006 / Feature / The Nation
Blair, Brown, Blah Blair, Brown, Blah
Tony Blair's sorry record on Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon--and the rise of a new, viable leader of the Conservative Party--could spell doom for Gordon Brown and the Labour Party.
Sep 28, 2006 / Column / Gary Younge
A Meta-Read Is a Better Read A Meta-Read Is a Better Read
The notion that the function of journalists is to explain "the truth" is about as quaint as America's participation in the Geneva Conventions.
Sep 28, 2006 / Column / Eric Alterman
On the Intelligence Report Finding That the War in Iraq Has Produced a New Generation of Jihadists and Increased Terrorism On the Intelligence Report Finding That the War in Iraq Has Produced a New Generation of Jihadists and Increased Terrorism
Yes, there is indeed a link between Iraq and Bush's "war on terror."
Sep 28, 2006 / Column / Calvin Trillin