
Foot-Long Hot Dog in Mouth Disease Foot-Long Hot Dog in Mouth Disease

Even by dysfunctional family reunion standards, last week's UN Summit was a blowout. There were the Presidents of Iran and the United States avoiding each other like estranged cou...

Sep 26, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Get Me Rewrite Get Me Rewrite

Bill Clinton maintains that the mainstream media has misrepresented his record on fighting terror. But it will take a generation to meaningfully assess his effectiveness.

Sep 26, 2006 / Mark Updegrove

Bow to the King Bow to the King

Just as Senators McCain/Graham/Warner largely capitulated to Bush on torture, another group of dissident GOP Senators are bowing to the Administration on another critical national...

Sep 26, 2006 / The Nation

Screamin’ at the Machine Screamin’ at the Machine

We should be cheering at sports events and screaming at politicians. But these days, it's vice versa. Now that ESPN's Screamin' Stephen A. Smith is acting like a pundit, things cou...

Sep 26, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Dave Zirin

They Just Don’t Get It They Just Don’t Get It

Republicans have sunk to a new low in their campaign to retain control of the House and Senate in 2006. They've apparently decided to claim the image and stature of Dr. Martin Lut...

Sep 26, 2006 / The Nation

Corn Versus Hitchens: On Niger, Plame and WMDs Corn Versus Hitchens: On Niger, Plame and WMDs

A version of this was first posted at my blog at I told readers of my regular bl...

Sep 26, 2006 / David Corn

A Distinct Lack of Intelligence A Distinct Lack of Intelligence

If George W. Bush took the latest National Intelligence Estimate seriously, he would end the ineffectual "war on terror" model and treat terrorism as a pathology to be clinically ...

Sep 26, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer

‘You Did Your Nice Little Conservative Hit Job On Me’ ‘You Did Your Nice Little Conservative Hit Job On Me’

Regular readers of this column will know that it maintains no great affection for former President Bill Clinton. A Democratic Leadership Council stalwart, Clinton got elected pres...

Sep 26, 2006 / John Nichols

Iranian Science Teachers May Be Enriching Students Iranian Science Teachers May Be Enriching Students

A Pentagon report raises worries that Iran has several facilities for the enriching of mass quantities of high-grade students.

Sep 26, 2006 / The Nation

Torture is a Moral Issue Torture is a Moral Issue

Will we be a nation that abides by our own Constitution and upholds international law? Or will we become a nation that punishes those who follow the orders while exonerating those...

Sep 26, 2006 / The Nation
