A Visionary for Senate? A Visionary for Senate?
Last night I had the pleasure of attending a house party for Bernie Sanders, Vermont's only congressman, and more notably, the only Socialist holding national office in the United...
Sep 20, 2006 / The Nation
Render Unto Syria Render Unto Syria
Will anyone in the somnambulant White House press corps dare ask the President why he would "render" a Canadian to Syria to be tortured and imprisoned without charges?
Sep 20, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer
The LA Times’s “Alamo” The LA Times’s “Alamo”
At a time when the shift toward the Internet and the corporate quest for increased profit are threatening the future of journalism, it's inspiring to see the editor of a major dai...
Sep 20, 2006 / The Nation
A New Star Shines From Massachusetts A New Star Shines From Massachusetts
Barack Obama, whose recent campaign-style swing through Iowa has renewed talk of the freshman senator from Illinois as a presidential prospect, is still the frontrunner in discuss...
Sep 20, 2006 / John Nichols
The Real Crisis in Uganda The Real Crisis in Uganda
The cease-fire between Uganda and the Lord’s Resistance Army is only a first step in resolving the humanitarian crisis. The West must push for the release of 2 million Acholis...
Sep 19, 2006 / Feature / Salim Lone
Life After Net Neutrality: Replaced By a Chimp? Life After Net Neutrality: Replaced By a Chimp?
If Senator Ted Stevens defies mounting public opposition and succeeds in killing net neutrality, expect the free flow of online content to be replaced by lowbrow corporate infotain...
Sep 19, 2006 / Feature / Jeffrey Chester
GOP Leader Threatens Lobbyists GOP Leader Threatens Lobbyists
The Republican Party's "K Street Project," intended to make lobbyists pledge their allegiance to the GOP, has supposedly been shut down in the wake of the Abramoff scandal. But in...
Sep 19, 2006 / The Nation
Time to Move Beyond Bush-Hating Time to Move Beyond Bush-Hating
You know the peace movement is in trouble when Andrew Rosenthal -- who edited WMD-fantasist Judy Miller at the New York Times -- bemoans its invisibility, as he did in an editoria...
Sep 19, 2006 / The Nation
The War on Torture The War on Torture
In Connecticut today, a statewide interfaith network of religious leaders--Reclaiming the Prophetic Voice-- working with with the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, is ...
Sep 19, 2006 / The Nation
At the UN, Bush Cites Human Rights Declaration At the UN, Bush Cites Human Rights Declaration
When George W. Bush addressed the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday, he glowingly referred to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was ...
Sep 19, 2006 / David Corn