Deja Vu on Iran Deja Vu on Iran
Is the Bush Administration mistaking Iran for pre-war Iraq? Recent events certainly sound eerily familiar. Intelligence experts and counter-terrorism officials say hawkish Repub...
Sep 19, 2006 / The Nation
Rendition Rendered Rendition Rendered
For some time now we've known about the Bush administration's outsourcing of torture to foreign dictatorships. But for the first time we can see the whole process vividly detailed...
Sep 19, 2006 / The Nation
Lab Rat for Crony Capitalism Lab Rat for Crony Capitalism
In Sunday's Washington Post, excerpts from Rajiv Chandrasekaran's Imperial Life in the Emerald City reveal the fundamentally corrupt approach this administration took to Iraq Reco...
Sep 19, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Election Dysfunction Election Dysfunction
The Sunday Washington Post headline said it all. Echoing a theme that is finally being picked up by print and broadcast media that for too long has neglected the dramatic problems...
Sep 19, 2006 / John Nichols
Iraq for Sale Iraq for Sale
The Bush Administration appointed political cronies to run Iraq and gave lucrative no-bid contracts to the former employer of our Vice President. No wonder the occupation is turn...
Sep 18, 2006 / The Nation
Full Disclosure Full Disclosure
Question: What activity burns through money "like jet fuel," involvesthree armored cars, forty-five full-time, Kalashnikov-toting securityguards, and two blast-wall-enclosed house...
Sep 18, 2006 / The Nation
New Bill Would Defend Marriage From Sharks New Bill Would Defend Marriage From Sharks
Some Democrats who say they support sharks' rights have been careful not to oppose the bill outright.
Sep 18, 2006 / The Nation
Lamont Gets Key Union Endorsement Lamont Gets Key Union Endorsement
Last Friday, I predicted that AFSCME'S Council 4--Connecticut's largest AFL-CIO union--would endorse Ned Lamont for the US Senate. While the union backed Lieberman in the primary...
Sep 18, 2006 / The Nation
Remembering Afghanistan Remembering Afghanistan
Let's talk about Afghanistan, since no one else will. The nation is once again in crisis. The Taliban is resurgent. Opium production is soaring. Suicide bombings are on the rise. ...
Sep 18, 2006 / The Nation
Iraq: The 2% Truth Iraq: The 2% Truth
Conservatives who whine and bray that the media is presenting a distorted picture of the war may be inadvertently correct. Indeed, things are probably worse than even the darkest ...
Sep 18, 2006 / The Nation