The UN After Lebanon The UN After Lebanon
The UN's mixed record on the war in Lebanon proves we should lower our expectations of what it can meaningfully achieve.
Sep 18, 2006 / Richard Falk
Bob Novak Slimes Me Bob Novak Slimes Me
Robert Novak was on C-SPAN on Friday, and he took the opportunity to slime me. I don't know what the conservative columnist has against yours truly. Countle...
Sep 17, 2006 / David Corn
Let the People Lead Let the People Lead
"... it may, perhaps, on some occasion, be found necessary to impeach the President himself..." -- JAMES MADISON On Sunday, September 17, I appeared on the National Mall in Washi...
Sep 17, 2006 / John Nichols
Ruffling a Hawk’s Feathers Ruffling a Hawk’s Feathers
Former state senator and US Senate candidate Burt Cohen (who currentlyhosts a progressive radio talk show) brings us news of a stunning upset inNew Hampshire's first congressional...
Sep 15, 2006 / The Nation
Torture and the Content of our Character Torture and the Content of our Character
The standoff between the Senate and the Bush Administration over military tribunals, torture and war crimes tests core legal and moral issues and will determine the kind of country...
Sep 15, 2006 / Feature / Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith
Camp Democracy and the Genius of Impeachment Camp Democracy and the Genius of Impeachment
No point is of more importance than that the right of impeachment should be continued. Shall any man be above Justice? -- George Mason, 1787 More than 5,000 people crowded the ...
Sep 15, 2006 / John Nichols
Will Ned Lamont Get Connecticut AFSCME’s Endorsement? Will Ned Lamont Get Connecticut AFSCME’s Endorsement?
Watch for tonight's vote at the Connecticut AFSCME Council 4 meeting. A high-level source in the Lamont campaign told me last night that it looks likely that Council's members wil...
Sep 15, 2006 / The Nation
Real Link Between 9/11 and Iraq Revealed Real Link Between 9/11 and Iraq Revealed
You've heard the President and Vice President say it over and over: There was a connection between the events of September 11, 2001 and Iraq. Let's take this seriously and conside...
Sep 15, 2006 / The Nation
Refusing to Exploit 9-11 Refusing to Exploit 9-11
Two days after President Bush used a nationally-televised address to exploit the memory of September 11 for political purposes – employing language and logic so crude that it wo...
Sep 15, 2006 / John Nichols
What Can Sherrod Brown Do for the Democrats? What Can Sherrod Brown Do for the Democrats?
The road to the Democrats' renewal runs through Ohio, and Sherrod Brown is on it, looking for the towns his party forgot and the voters who got away.
Sep 15, 2006 / Feature / John Nichols