
Doing Lunch Doing Lunch

Ann Cooper, gourmet chef turned healthy school food advocate, talks about becoming a "lunch lady" and what it takes to reform our children's cafeterias.

Aug 27, 2006 / Feature / Anna Lappé

Hog Hell Hog Hell

Low wages, segregation and dangerous working conditions in a North Carolina factory reveal a meatpacking industry where labor laws no longer matter.

Aug 27, 2006 / Feature / Eric Schlosser

Right is Left in Connecticut Right is Left in Connecticut

Connecticut Rep. Chris Shays, a Republican, is to the left of Joe Lieberman on Iraq. A longstanding hawk on the war, Shays announced yesterday that the US should set a timetable ...

Aug 25, 2006 / The Nation

A World Unmoored by War A World Unmoored by War

The United States now spends more in Iraq in a month that the entire world spends on fighting AIDS in a year. Have we reached the point where the terror of AIDS is no match for the...

Aug 25, 2006 / Feature / Stephen Lewis

Confronting the Truth about Torture Confronting the Truth about Torture

Despite mounting evidence, Americans remain willfully blind to the government's barbaric treatment of terror suspects. Now, human rights groups and religious organizations are usi...

Aug 25, 2006 / Feature / Jonathan Blitzer

Doing the Right Thing Doing the Right Thing

One year after Katrina, another hurricane season is upon us, this time as a flurry of "anniversary" specials, documentaries, packaged articles, book anthologies and multimedia web...

Aug 25, 2006 / The Nation

Angrily Awaiting a Messiah Angrily Awaiting a Messiah

In Mexico City and beyond, tensions are rising between government security forces and thousands of impoverished supporters of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a restive c...

Aug 25, 2006 / Feature / John Ross

Plan B: A Semi-Sweet Victory Plan B: A Semi-Sweet Victory

The Food and Drug Administration finally approved over-the-counter sales of the "morning-after pill." Sweet victory, right? Not exactly. The approval is only for women ages 18 ...

Aug 25, 2006 / The Nation

Wal-Mart’s Rainbow Connection Wal-Mart’s Rainbow Connection

Citing Sam Walton's legacy, and vowing to shop elsewhere, a coalition of grass-roots organizations -- with a broad base of support -- is furious with Wal-Mart. That's, of course, ...

Aug 25, 2006 / The Nation

An Optimistic Voice in Israel An Optimistic Voice in Israel

Israel's military defeat in Lebanon has created new opportunities for peace – that's what Israeli Knesset member and peace movement leader Yossi Beilin t...

Aug 25, 2006 / Jon Wiener
