The Smoking Volcano The Smoking Volcano
As election officials in Mexico recount only a handful of contested voting districts in the flawed presidential elections, Andrés Manuel López Obrador walks a tightro...
Lieberman Digs In Lieberman Digs In
In New Haven, Joe Lieberman dismissed questions about a possible independent run if he is defeated in today's primary by antiwar candidate Ned Lamont and declared if re-elected to ...
Aug 8, 2006 / Feature / Ari Melber
Lieberman, Lamont and the Future of the Democrats Lieberman, Lamont and the Future of the Democrats
The last time that Democratic primary voters turned out a nationally-known U.S. Senator because they did not like where he stood on an issue of war and peace was in 1970, when Tex...
Aug 8, 2006 / John Nichols
Beyond My Lai : New Revelations of Vietnam Atrocities Beyond My Lai : New Revelations of Vietnam Atrocities
How long does it take the US government to release documentation about atrocities in which US military forces killed unarmed civilians, women and children? In the case of Vietnam, ...
Aug 7, 2006 / Jon Wiener
Culture of Corruption Claims Another Congressman Culture of Corruption Claims Another Congressman
Three months ago, back when Republicans were dismissing the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal and this whole "culture of corruption" thing as a Democratic fantasy, Ohio Congressman B...
Aug 7, 2006 / The Nation
Would You Like a (Grande) Pink Slip With That Latte? Would You Like a (Grande) Pink Slip With That Latte?
Sometimes I almost want to like Starbucks, purveyor of expensive yet soothingly foamy hot drinks. The company buys some Fair Trade coffee (though not nearly enough). Employees get...
Aug 7, 2006 / The Nation
Israeli Doves Challenge the War Israeli Doves Challenge the War
According to the Western media, most Israelis, including leading peace advocates, support the ongoing war in Lebanon. But Israeli doves are beginning to speak out. Will it make a d...
Aug 7, 2006 / Feature / Jon Wiener
Mad Mel: Beyond Hezbollah Mad Mel: Beyond Hezbollah
Last week, while hooked to an IV of air-conditioning, web surfing and TV news, I came to a startling conclusion. Mel Gibson is in league with Hezbollah, and the future of Mideast ...
Aug 7, 2006 / The Nation
The Other Lamont The Other Lamont
The Nation's been going since 1865. But, if it hadn't been for Hammond Lamont, great-great uncle ofConnecticut Democratic senatorial hopeful Ned Lamont, we might be telling adiff...
Aug 7, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Desperate Measures Desperate Measures
Joe Lieberman, down in the polls and desperate as Tuesday's Connecticut Senate primary approaches, tried on Sunday to remake himself as something he has not been for a very long t...
Aug 7, 2006 / John Nichols