
Go FOIA Yourself Go FOIA Yourself

The folks at People For the American Way have set up this handy website that practically writes a FOIA request for you. All you have to do is print and fax. Of course, whether and ...

Mar 1, 2006 / Richard Kim

The Dubai Farce The Dubai Farce

What a farce: The Dubai Ports deal shows Bush is willing to trust the Arab-owned Dubai Ports to manage our harbors, even as he scapegoats them as culprits in his war on terror.

Mar 1, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer

Bush in India: Just Not Welcome Bush in India: Just Not Welcome

Opposition to President Bush's visit to India was so intense that the only public space deemed acceptable for him to deliver a speech is a crumbling old fort that also houses the D...

Mar 1, 2006 / Feature / Arundhati Roy

“Stare” at that Decisis “Stare” at that Decisis

Walking up to my office on Capitol Hill today, I noticed an usually large amount of people milling around. Big crowds were standing outside the Senate buildings on a chilly Februar...

Feb 28, 2006 / Ari Berman

Where Are the Good Americans? Where Are the Good Americans?

When the day comes for America to be judged for its war on terror and the human rights crimes that have been done in the name of its citizens, who can say they stood up and said no...

Feb 28, 2006 / Feature / Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith

Clinic Clash : Right to Protest v. Right to Choose Clinic Clash : Right to Protest v. Right to Choose

Ruling on an issue that had divided progressive groups for the better part of two decades, the Supreme Court on Tuesday issued an 8-0 decision that federal extortion and racketeer...

Feb 28, 2006 / John Nichols

Bad Will Hunting Bad Will Hunting

Two new books on Shakespeare examine his shadowy life, his times and the origins of his imagination. A third explores whether the Bard of Avon was, in fact, Edward de Vere.

Feb 28, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Swift

Olympic Swagger Olympic Swagger

Swagger was America's chosen posture at the Winter Olympics. Once again, sport imitated life: boasting got us nowhere at the Turin games or in the world.

Feb 28, 2006 / Feature / William Greider

BMD (Bike of Mass Destruction) BMD (Bike of Mass Destruction)

Today's question: What's more dangerous -- hunting with Dick Cheney or bike riding with George Bush? For background, we offer this report from Murdo MacLeod, the able political co...

Feb 28, 2006 / John Nichols

The West Leans Left The West Leans Left

Is a red state Governor who wears cowboy hats, embroidered denim jackets and bolo ties, drives a Volkswagen Jetta powered by biodiesel, ran with a Republican Lt. Gov on his ticket,...

Feb 28, 2006 / Ari Berman
