Illegal Immigration: A GOP Issue that Works? Illegal Immigration: A GOP Issue that Works?
Nancy Pelosi, put away that tape measure! That seems to be the conventional wisdom the day after a key congressional election in San Diego. And it may even ...
Jun 7, 2006 / David Corn
With Enemies Like These With Enemies Like These
The best thing to ever happen to gay rights in the country is Bill Frist's decision to introduce a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. Everyone knows this is a lame atte...
Jun 7, 2006 / The Nation
Stooges for the Establishment Stooges for the Establishment
Five unrepentant media giants, complicit in the hidden agendas of government leakers, now pay the price for their unethical reporting on Wen Ho Lee.
Jun 7, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer
After Busby: Almost is Not Enough After Busby: Almost is Not Enough
Democrats keep talking about moral victories this election cycle. But to take back the Congress in 2006, they'll need to convert symbolic wins into actual ones. In a normal elect...
Jun 7, 2006 / The Nation
Citizens 1, Corporations 0 Citizens 1, Corporations 0
In states across the country Tuesday, primary elections named candidates for Congress, governorships and other important offices. But the most interesting, and perhaps significant...
Jun 7, 2006 / John Nichols
Quarantine the Religious Right Quarantine the Religious Right
Happy 6/6/06! Congrats to Ann Coulter for releasing her book on this Satanic date. And speaking of superstitious madness, as long as we're putting dangerous public health threats ...
Jun 7, 2006 / The Nation
Parlez Vous DeLay? Parlez Vous DeLay?
We knew Tom DeLay was leaving Congress this week. But we didn't think he'd be so French about it. Yes, tonight Texas Republicans will be toasting their former majority leader at ...
Jun 6, 2006 / The Nation
Keep the Estate Tax–UPDATED Keep the Estate Tax–UPDATED
Updated on June 8. Good News: Senators voted this afternoon to block a Republican effort to shrink taxes on inherited estates during this election year. GOP leaders had pushed s...
Jun 6, 2006 / Peter Rothberg
Defending the Constitution (Continued) Defending the Constitution (Continued)
Kudos to the American Bar Association for creating a bipartisan "all-star legal panel" to investigate President Bush's penchant for signing statements that assert his right to ig...
Jun 6, 2006 / The Nation
Flying the Corporate Skies Flying the Corporate Skies
A top official in the Bush Administration, David Safavian, is on trial right now for lying about a golfing trip to Scotland taken by a lawmaker, Rep. Bob Ney, and funded by a lobb...
Jun 6, 2006 / The Nation