Gore Vidal Campaigns for “A Real Democrat” Gore Vidal Campaigns for “A Real Democrat”
Gore Vidal, the grandson of a senator who stood himself for the House and Senate and then played a senator in Tim Robbins' brilliant film "Bob Roberts," has been campaigning this ...
Jun 6, 2006 / John Nichols
Bush: Discrimination ‘Serves Interests of All’ Bush: Discrimination ‘Serves Interests of All’
President Bush has framed his support for a Constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage as a necessary defense of cherished institutions and practices. "Marriage is the mos...
Jun 6, 2006 / The Nation
As Others See Us As Others See Us
When a group of international journalists visited a small town in Maine, they made it clear that America's aggression in Iraq, its greed and the advance of pop culture are leading ...
Jun 5, 2006 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman
Fish and Fiction Fish and Fiction
The latest attempt by this White House to muzzle the truth isn't about Haditha, domestic spying, or torture--it's about salmon. That's right, salmon. It seems the National Oceani...
Jun 5, 2006 / The Nation
Symbolism and Scandal Symbolism and Scandal
The war in Iraq keeps getting worse. Gas prices remain high. Corruption is oozing through Congress. And hurricane season just started. So what are Republicans in Washington preo...
Jun 5, 2006 / The Nation
Has Wal-Mart Jumped the Shark? Has Wal-Mart Jumped the Shark?
Always a rollicking affair, with the feel of a pep rally or revival meeting, by all accounts, the Wal-Mart shareholder's meeting on Friday was over the top. According to Michael B...
Jun 5, 2006 / The Nation
P-Funk Politics P-Funk Politics
As hurricane season began in earnest, Ray Nagin, who famously declared New Orleans a "chocolate city," began his second term as mayor. What better time to appreciate the way Georg...
Jun 5, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Ned Sublette
All DeLay’s Children All DeLay’s Children
Tom DeLay has left Congress, but his legacy lives on in the work of five disciples.
Jun 5, 2006 / Ari Berman
Why Haditha Matters Why Haditha Matters
The Haditha massacre cannot be blamed solely on soldiers gone berserk. The Marine Corps cover-up suggests that moral damage from the Iraq War has affected more than a single debase...
Jun 5, 2006 / The Editors
AIDS Groups Call UN Meeting a “Failure” AIDS Groups Call UN Meeting a “Failure”
As UNGASS +5 winds down, a coalition of over 70 civil society organizations from around the world are denouncing the meeting as a significant step back in the global fight against...
Jun 2, 2006 / The Nation