¡No Más! No More! ¡No Más! No More!
Uruguay and Argentina are cutting ties with the US Army's School of the Americas, paving the way for other Latin American countries to end a destabilizing force that only perpetuat...
Mar 31, 2006 / Feature / Patrick Mulvaney
Jeu de Vivre Jeu de Vivre
The real world is becoming more like a computer game every day. I worry that the computer itself is breeding little cyberhumans who will wander among us, sucking the humanity out o...
Mar 31, 2006 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
John Dean to Senate: Censure Is Necessary John Dean to Senate: Censure Is Necessary
"[The] president needs to be reminded that separation of powers does not mean an isolation of powers," former White House counsel John Dean told the Senate Judiciary Committee Fri...
Mar 31, 2006 / John Nichols
Don’t Blame Environmentalists for Malaria Don’t Blame Environmentalists for Malaria
Tina Rosenberg is wrong to argue in the New York Times that environmentalists who fought to limit the use of DDT have contributed to the worldwide spread of malaria.
Mar 31, 2006 / Feature / Sonia Shah
Woodward and Reality–UPDATED Woodward and Reality–UPDATED
After reading the below piece, Bob Woodward called to tell me that he thought that the article was "dishonest" and "unfair" and that I owed him an apolog...
Mar 31, 2006 / David Corn
Reconstruction Corruption Watch Part II Reconstruction Corruption Watch Part II
Yesterday, I reported on the current controversy surrounding Halliburton's poor performance and cover-up on its water treatment contract in Iraq. Now add oil to the mix. In the Wa...
Mar 31, 2006 / Adam Howard
Anatomy of a Bad Law Anatomy of a Bad Law
Before the South Dakota legislature passed landmark legislation banning abortion, it commissioned an objective study of the issue. The result, a flawed and one-sided report, could ...
Mar 30, 2006 / Feature / Lauren Bans
The Erotics of Resistance The Erotics of Resistance
With spring come glimmerings of new social attitudes: The popularity of V for Vendetta proves films with a social conscience resonate; Kanye West's challenge to rap homophobia show...
Mar 30, 2006 / Richard Goldstein
How to Free the Press How to Free the Press
The demise of Knight Ridder newspapers could result in some new media models--as the Newspaper Guild teams up with private investors to purchase twelve high-integrity newspapers no...
Mar 30, 2006 / John Nichols
What’s Good for GM? What’s Good for GM?
General Motors must shoulder blame for a faulty product mix and a stubborn resistance to the idea of single-payer health insurance, which sent benefits costs soaring.
Mar 30, 2006 / Jamie Lincoln Kitman