Handling Hamas Handling Hamas
Rather than undermine Hamas, the Bush Administration should accept the results of the Palestinian election and pursue a policy of cautious engagement.
Feb 23, 2006 / The Editors
A Fabric of Illegality A Fabric of Illegality
The White House practices the dark arts of trashing whistleblowers who exposed prisoner abuse at Guantánamo and the warrantless spying program, adding another layer of illeg...
Feb 23, 2006 / The Editors
The Abortion Debate Gets Real The Abortion Debate Gets Real
It is rare that a decision by the South Dakota State Senate merits national attention. But there is simply no question that this week's vote by that chamber to ban abortion ought ...
Feb 23, 2006 / John Nichols
The Truth About Dubya and Dubai The Truth About Dubya and Dubai
While there are plenty of important questions to discuss regarding port security in the United States, all of these issues were present before the Dubai World Ports (DP World) cont...
Feb 23, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Go Christine! Go Christine!
I was never wild about the Band of Brothers idea, as Ari notes, and not just because it is such a male (and white) bunch of tired and dreary no-idea candidates. It's a gimmick. A m...
Feb 22, 2006 / Katha Pollitt
Larry Summers’s Ghosts Larry Summers’s Ghosts
Maybe it's not surprising that media coverage of Larry Summers's resignation as Harvard University's President has focused on his personal style. After all, Summers--by most accou...
Feb 22, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
The Olympics We Missed The Olympics We Missed
The Winter Olympics are to NBC what icebergs were to the Titanic. Jingoistic, condescending coverage missed the real drama.
Feb 22, 2006 / Column / Dave Zirin
Victor Navasky is Dangerous Victor Navasky is Dangerous
Larry Summers resigned. Alan Dershowitz called it an "academic coup d'etat" engineered by the "radical, hard-left element" at Harvard. He worried the PC-cops wo...
Feb 22, 2006 / Richard Kim
Band of Brothers Revisited Band of Brothers Revisited
Shortly after Katha raised complaints about the largely male composition of the Band of Brothers--the veterans running for Congress as Dems in 2006--the Washington Post ran a front...
Feb 22, 2006 / Ari Berman