George’s Curious Tricks and Gimmicks George’s Curious Tricks and Gimmicks
Despite his best efforts, George Bush's recent budget places his values in plain view for all of America to see. Mr. Bush plans to cut $65 billion from domestic spending on progra...
Feb 8, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
To Bash Or Not To Bash? To Bash Or Not To Bash?
Los Angeles-based Gay Republican activist and blogger Scott Schmidt worries that his party –-in the run-up to the November elections-- is about to take a suicidal turn tow...
Feb 8, 2006 / Marc Cooper
The Sacred and the Profane The Sacred and the Profane
Christine's last post on the American Family Association's successful scuttling of "anti-Christian" television programming makes an interesting counterpoint to much of th...
Feb 8, 2006 / Richard Kim
Fury Over Foreigners Fury Over Foreigners
Western cartoons deemed insulting to Islam are only part of what is fueling mob frenzy in Afghanistan. Growing rage against the presence of foreign troops and frustration with inef...
Feb 7, 2006 / Feature / Christian Parenti
McCain vs. Obama McCain vs. Obama
In case you weren't paying attention, since yesterday there's been a very public war of words between the Senate's two most hyped members, Barack Obama and John McCain, over lobbyi...
Feb 7, 2006 / Ari Berman
Christians Dodge Spears Christians Dodge Spears
NBC has abandoned, in the words of the American Family Association website , its plans to "Attack Christians with Spears." Britney Spears, that is. The pop sensation tur...
Feb 7, 2006 / Christine Smallwood
Bush and Blair’s Secret Pact Bush and Blair’s Secret Pact
A new memo leaked to the British media last week asserts that George Bush and Tony Blair agreed in January 2003 to go to war in Iraq--not March 2003, as they insist. It also sugge...
Feb 7, 2006 / Peter Rothberg
It’s Ken (Mehlman) Who Has Anger Management Problems It’s Ken (Mehlman) Who Has Anger Management Problems
A White House attack dog who's out of sync with the values of most Americans.
Feb 7, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
It’s Ken (Mehlman) Who Has Anger Management Problems It’s Ken (Mehlman) Who Has Anger Management Problems
GOP Chairman, Ken Mehlman, made the talk show rounds on Sunday in order to dismiss Hillary Clinton as a woman who "seems to have a lot of anger." And what was Mehlman's ...
Feb 7, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Why We Fight Why We Fight
The twin headlines on the front page of the Washington Post today, "Gonzales Defends Surveillance," and "Bush's Budget Bolsters Pentagon," made me think of Euge...
Feb 7, 2006 / Ari Berman