Iraq After the Election Iraq After the Election
In the wake of the Iraqi elections, Congress must make any future funding for American forces contingent on establishing a clear-cut deadline for withdrawal to quell the insurgency...
Dec 21, 2005 / The Editors
Bush’s High Crimes Bush’s High Crimes
A belligerent President has vowed that warrantless domestic spying will continue. He also hopes to quash open debate of the issue in Congress on security grounds. Given the palpabl...
Dec 21, 2005 / The Editors
The Hidden State Steps Forward The Hidden State Steps Forward
The Bush Administration is not a dictatorship, but it has all the markings of one in embryonic form. Bush has declared himself to be above the law, and members of Congress have no ...
Dec 20, 2005 / Jonathan Schell
A History of Violence A History of Violence
Munich is a first-rate spy thriller featuring an assassin who reveals his soul. Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain gives two extraordinary actors time and space to develop a rare emotion...
Dec 20, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans
Out of Place Out of Place
Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits, portraits of the Moroccan immigrants in Spain, gracefully evokes the unease of immigrants caught adrift between the stagnation of their old homes...
Dec 20, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Emily Lodish
Wartime Lies Wartime Lies
As Nazis dropped bombs in Warsaw, poet Czeslaw Milosz wrote a collection of literary criticism that sought to trace the rise of totalitarianism by deconstructing the mythologies of...
Dec 20, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Timothy Snyder
Europa, Europa Europa, Europa
Tony Judt's Postwar, a massive summary of European public life since World War II, is a triumph of narrative that will allow readers familiar with the history to experience it agai...
Dec 20, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Charles S. Maier
The Rumble Down Under The Rumble Down Under
Discrimination is on the rise for Australia's Muslims and others of Middle-Eastern descent, as Prime Minister John Howard's draconian anti-terror laws echo the fear-mongering tacti...
Dec 20, 2005 / Feature / Richard Pollak
Rebels Rebels
With persistence and strong convictions, insurgents can change a political party. Galvanized by the war and disgusted with weak-spined party leaders, rank-and-file Democrats may at...
Dec 20, 2005 / Feature / William Greider
Brave Neuro World Brave Neuro World
As neurotechnology expands our abilities to rejuvenate aging brains, rebound from trauma and enhance moods or sexual prowess, we need a consistent set of neuroethics about how that...
Dec 20, 2005 / Feature / Kathryn Schulz