
Rather Ridiculous Rather Ridiculous

Just about the only sensible voice in the whole controversy over the documents CBS News used in its ham-handed attempt to raise questions about George W. Bush's "service" in the T...

Sep 21, 2004 / John Nichols

True Conservatives Would Back Kerry True Conservatives Would Back Kerry

If they were true to their principles, moderate Republicans and consistent conservatives would be supporting John Kerry. Instead, their acquiescence to the reckless whims of Geor...

Sep 21, 2004 / Column / Robert Scheer

One Sweet Victory One Sweet Victory

A friend and I were watching CNN the other night. After fifteen minutes of the Headline News, she asked, "Is there any good news in the world?" Yes. But it's harder and harder t...

Sep 20, 2004 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

McCain: The October Surprise? McCain: The October Surprise?

Will John McCain be the October Surprise? Months ago, when the Republican senator who is often dubbed a maverick finally started campaigning with Ge...

Sep 20, 2004 / David Corn

Go Noam (No Ralph)! Go Noam (No Ralph)!

"Anyone who says, 'I don't care if Bush gets elected' is basically telling poor and working people in the country, 'I don't care if your lives are destroyed. I don't care whether ...

Sep 20, 2004 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Web Letters Web Letters


Sep 16, 2004 / Our Readers

Swift Vets Keep Misfiring Swift Vets Keep Misfiring

The Swift Vets have done the damage they set out to do. By hurling unsubstantiated charges against John Kerry and accusing him of somehow obtaining medals f...

Sep 16, 2004 / David Corn

Taking Liberties Taking Liberties

On September 2 a federal judge in Detroit threw out the only jury conviction the Justice Department has obtained on a terrorism charge since 9/11.

Sep 16, 2004 / David Cole

Styles of Radical Will Styles of Radical Will

One of South America's most brilliantly talented filmmakers has made a political road movie: the story of a young man who sets out on a journey of discovery and self-discovery th...

Sep 16, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans

Of Human Bondage Of Human Bondage

In the sequence of revolutions that remade the Atlantic world between 1776 and 1825, the Haitian Revolution is rarely given its due, yet without it the progressive credentials of...

Sep 16, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Robin Blackburn
