Truly, Madly, Deeply Truly, Madly, Deeply
It's only a little fughetta in C minor, a piece J.S. Bach wrote into a notebook he was keeping for the purpose of teaching his eldest son.
May 27, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Paul Griffiths
The Maharani of Muck The Maharani of Muck
Perched elegantly on an exotic throw pillow in her seaside Bombay apartment, the Arabian Sea breeze gently ruffling her long black hair, Shobhaa De looks like one of the seductre...
May 27, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Miranda Kennedy
Slow Motion Slow Motion
The Justice Department recently announced its intention to reopen the Emmett Till case.
May 27, 2004 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
NYT: ‘Maybe We Did Screw Up a Little’ NYT: ‘Maybe We Did Screw Up a Little’
On May 26 the New York Times finally hitched up its pants, took a deep breath and issued an editorial declaration of moderate regret for its role in boosting the case for war on ...
May 27, 2004 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Letter From Ground Zero Letter From Ground Zero
Many people (mostly Republicans) say (mostly to Democrats) that it's wrong to "politicize" the war in Iraq. But politicizing the war is exactly what should now occur.
May 27, 2004 / Jonathan Schell
No Politician Left Behind No Politician Left Behind
Education is always about politics--in the best and worst senses.
May 27, 2004 / Deborah Meier
Kerry and Communion Kerry and Communion
Is it a sin for Catholics to vote for former altar boy John Kerry?
May 27, 2004 / John Nichols
Retire Father Greenspan Retire Father Greenspan
Alan Greenspan is well loved among the governing elites and seldom criticized, because he convincingly plays the role of America's Dr. Pangloss.
May 27, 2004 / William Greider
Sham Plan for Iraq Sham Plan for Iraq
The "new" Bush plan to "help Iraq achieve democracy and freedom," far from laying out the definite steps needed to resolve the Iraq crisis, instead sets the stage for continuing ...
May 27, 2004 / The Editors