
Against Blind Imperial Arrogance Against Blind Imperial Arrogance

Edward Said closed one of his last published essays with the lines: "We are in for many more years of turmoil and misery in the Middle East, where one of the main problems is, to ...

Sep 25, 2003 / John Nichols

Truth, Fear and War Truth, Fear and War

The Women Legislators Lobby (WiLL) is a professional organization of state legislators formed in 1990 as a program of WAND (Women's Action for New Directions). WAND's mission is t...

Sep 25, 2003 / Feature / Helen Thomas

Ancestors Ancestors

They are bicycling into the sun. He has a dhoti on under his coat and a briefcase with LYRIC marked in big letters.

Sep 25, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Meena Alexander

French Connections French Connections

The setting is a one-room schoolhouse, which is momentarily unoccupied except for a pair of turtles.

Sep 25, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans

Savage Modernism Savage Modernism

A refugee from Nazism and a distinguished New York psychoanalyst, Sandor Rado had thought long and deeply about Hitler's takeover of Germany. Years ago, the writer Otto Friedri...

Sep 25, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Russell Jacoby

The Gray Zone The Gray Zone

On a hot, dusty summer day in 1998, I drove with friends from Smolensk to the village of Zagor'e to meet Ivan Tvardovsky, a survivor of Stalin's forced-labor camps and the brot...

Sep 25, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Lynne Viola

Letter From Iran Letter From Iran

Hope has turned to bitterness as reform efforts have been crushed by the regime.

Sep 25, 2003 / Feature / Afshin Molavi

The Other Lies of George Bush The Other Lies of George Bush

The President started telling whoppers long before Iraq.

Sep 25, 2003 / Feature / David Corn

State of Denial State of Denial

We live in interesting times. These days we can all pretty much acknowledge that race does not exist as a scientific construct; these days, we can all agree that racism is wron...

Sep 25, 2003 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Alan Dershowitz, Plagiarist Alan Dershowitz, Plagiarist

Let's start with a passage from Alan Dershowitz's latest book, The Case for Israel, now slithering into the upper tier of Amazon's sales charts.

Sep 25, 2003 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
