New Hampshire Populists New Hampshire Populists
Don't forget about David Corn's new book, The Lies of George W. Bush: Mastering the Politics of Deception (Crown Publishers). For more information and a sample, check out the bo...
Jan 29, 2004 / David Corn
“Exhibit A Against Media Concentration” “Exhibit A Against Media Concentration”
CBS officials are still refusing to air a Voter Fund commercial during Sunday's Super Bowl game because that the 30-second advertisement criticizes President Bush's fis...
Jan 29, 2004 / John Nichols
Of Horse Races and Issues Of Horse Races and Issues
At the end of December, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman ticked off a few pet peeves and proposals regarding the media's campaign coverage. Peeves: *Don't talk about clot...
Jan 28, 2004 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Letters Letters
Jan 28, 2004 / Our Readers and Robert Jay Lifton
Europa, Europa Europa, Europa
Considered as a subset of the road movie, the post-Holocaust, return-to-Poland documentary has been a dismayingly static genre. Most of these films are journeys in only the physi...
Jan 28, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans
The Spying Game The Spying Game
The recent flap in Paris regarding five C.I.A. operatives who allegedly tried to bribe their way into the very center of government policy-making should not be interpreted as a G...
Jan 28, 2004 / Daniel Singer
Ten Talking Points on New Hampshire Ten Talking Points on New Hampshire
1. Performance doesn't matter. Of all the candidates, Senator John Edwards delivered the best stump speech, in which he decried the existence of "tw...
Jan 28, 2004 / David Corn
Angry-About-the-War Candidate Angry-About-the-War Candidate
John Edwards is not running for the Democratic nomination as an anti-war candidate. Even in a campaign that has been defined by nothing so much as a constant process of redefiniti...
Jan 26, 2004 / John Nichols
A No-Issues Contest A No-Issues Contest
"We're in a war of ideas!" So declared Bill Barry, chairman of the Nashua, New Hampshire, Democrats, when he enthusiastically introduced Senator John Edward...
Jan 26, 2004 / David Corn
Oligarchs for Bush Oligarchs for Bush
Do you have 250 family members, friends, associates, and colleagues who can afford to give $2,000 to President Bush? On January 22, the Washington Post reported that there's now...
Jan 25, 2004 / Katrina vanden Heuvel