
Building a Coalition, W.-Style Building a Coalition, W.-Style

We'll talk to Germany and France, Brief Russians and Chinese, Consult with Turkey and Japan, Then do just as we please.

Sep 12, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin

The UN Gambit The UN Gambit

George W. Bush's decision to "involve" the United Nations in his plans to attack Iraq does not indicate a conversion to multilateralism on the road to Baghdad. Washington's con...

Sep 12, 2002 / Ian Williams

Congress and War Congress and War

In January, when George W. Bush's pollster warned that "Enron is a much bigger story than anyone in Washington realizes," White House political director Karl Rove informed the ...

Sep 12, 2002 / John Nichols

No Case for War No Case for War

Why now? Why, one year after September 11, is the Bush Administration attempting to overthrow decades of precedents and precepts of international law, along with the best tradi...

Sep 12, 2002 / The Editors

Appointment in Samarra? Appointment in Samarra?

How would people be discussing the issue of "regime change" in Iraq if the question were not being forced upon them by the Administration?

Sep 12, 2002 / Column / Christopher Hitchens

Is There ‘A Different Israel’? Is There ‘A Different Israel’?

Durham, NC In "A Different Israel" [August 5/12] Martha C. Nussbaum wrote that she became relaxed in her "moralistic heart" while accepting an honorary degree from...

Sep 12, 2002 / Our Readers

Slut Patrol Slut Patrol

In some parts of China, local officials keep track of women's menstrual periods. We haven't come to that, but anyone who thinks women's reproductive and sexual privacy is secure in...

Sep 12, 2002 / Column / Katha Pollitt

The Right’s Moral Trouble The Right’s Moral Trouble

Thanks to corporate scandals, conservatives are finally on the defensive.

Sep 12, 2002 / Feature / Fred Block

Fascism’s Firm Footprint in India Fascism’s Firm Footprint in India

The Indian state is criminally culpable for the murder of Muslims in Gujarat.

Sep 12, 2002 / Feature / Arundhati Roy

The Case Against War The Case Against War

A rebuttal to eight arguments put forward by proponents of an invasion of Iraq.

Sep 12, 2002 / Feature / Stephen Zunes
