Bringing the War Home Bringing the War Home
In the name of fighting terrorism, the Army has established a domestic command.
May 8, 2003 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss
Samaritans in the Desert Samaritans in the Desert
Defying US policy, they save the lives of illegal migrants, a cup of water at a time.

Why We Are Infidels Why We Are Infidels
Fundamentalists are offended when there is no officially sanctioned path to salvation.
May 8, 2003 / Feature / E.L. Doctorow
Elections vs. Democracy in Argentina Elections vs. Democracy in Argentina
In most of the world, it's the sign for peace, but here in Argentina it means war.
May 8, 2003 / Column / Naomi Klein
The Disquieted American The Disquieted American
Recently Congress released transcripts of secret testimony of witnesses summoned before Senator Joseph McCarthy's infamous subcommittee in hearings that impugned the patriotism...
May 8, 2003 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
The Trials of Ed Rosenthal The Trials of Ed Rosenthal
Come June 4, Ed Rosenthal will be back in US District Court in San Francisco, to hear what sentence Judge Charles Breyer has decided to impose.
May 8, 2003 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Letter From Ground Zero Letter From Ground Zero
In this space last week, I commented that the choice for the United States in North Korea was probably between a catastrophic war and permitting North Korea to keep its nuclear...
May 8, 2003 / Jonathan Schell
On the Revelation of William Bennett’s Gambling Habit On the Revelation of William Bennett’s Gambling Habit
Bill Bennett told a grateful nation, "Be moral. Just resist temptation." By windbag airing of this thesis, Bill Bennett got as rich as Croesus.
May 8, 2003 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Katha Pollitt Honored Katha Pollitt Honored
Congratulations to Katha Pollitt, winner of the National Magazine Award in the Columns and Commentary category. Katha also won the 1992 award in Essays & Criticism.
May 8, 2003 / The Editors