War. What Is It Good For? War. What Is It Good For?
By the time you read this, the invasion of Iraq may have begun--or it may be over.
Mar 20, 2003 / Column / Katha Pollitt
The Big Lie The Big Lie
How bad can things get, how fast? Are we already at the point where literally nothing can derail the war machine?
Mar 20, 2003 / Russ Baker
Harold Willens Harold Willens
The Nation lost a dear friend this week--Harold Willens, age 88. Harold was co-founder of a group of business executives against the Vietnam War (he would later recall with del...
Mar 20, 2003 / The Editors
The Loyal Opposition The Loyal Opposition
The Senate Democrats sat mum, Like doves afraid to coo. So history will soon record This war as their war too.
Mar 20, 2003 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Frost at Foggy Bottom Frost at Foggy Bottom
Is the government's foreign policy apparatus a casualty of war? The recent resignations of two career State Department officials, who left to protest George W.
Mar 20, 2003 / David Corn
Antiwar America Antiwar America
"This is what democracy looks like" chanted twenty-four antiwar demonstrators as they were arrested outside Toledo's Navy and Air Force recruitment office on the day George W.
Mar 20, 2003 / John Nichols
The Poodle That Barked The Poodle That Barked
George Bush is supposed to be the cowboy, Tony Blair the sidekick--or, in some versions, the presidential poodle.
Mar 20, 2003 / D.D. Guttenplan

An American Tragedy An American Tragedy
The tragedy of America in the post-cold war era is that we have proved unequal to the responsibility that our own power placed upon us.
Mar 20, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Jonathan Schell
Global Dispatches Global Dispatches
The Nation elicited comment on reaction to the war against Iraq from all corners of the globe.
Mar 20, 2003 / Feature / The Nation
Urgent Antiwar Activism–UPDATED Urgent Antiwar Activism–UPDATED
George W. Bush has launched war with Iraq, a war that is unnecessary, unwise and illegal. In response, a wave of angry antiwar protests began to roll across Europe and the Middle...
Mar 20, 2003 / Peter Rothberg