Building Cities for Peace Building Cities for Peace
How an antiwar initiative is turning into a way to strengthen democracy.
Mar 13, 2003 / Feature / John Nichols
Meet The Nation: Howard Dean Meet The Nation: Howard Dean
Seen as the antiwar candidate, he shies away from being called a liberal.
Mar 13, 2003 / Feature / David Corn

In Torture We Trust? In Torture We Trust?
In these jittery times, many Americans see torture as justified.
Mar 13, 2003 / Feature / Eyal Press
No Peace Without a Fight No Peace Without a Fight
For more information about the Piquetero speaking tour of the United States, see
Mar 13, 2003 / Column / Naomi Klein
Snow Falling on Ashes Snow Falling on Ashes
It was a cold, gray morning, chance of flurries. As I braced for the weather that's buffeted the East Coast recently, I thought: What a spiraling blizzard of bad policy we face...
Mar 13, 2003 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
‘No Place in the Democratic Party’ ‘No Place in the Democratic Party’
At last the leaders of the Democratic Party have moved decisively, hauling out their ripest comminations and hurling them at--no, not at George Bush.
Mar 13, 2003 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Nation Notes Nation Notes
That Fox News Channel advertisement on the back cover is not a parody. We know it's hard to believe, but it's a real ad, and they paid good money to run it, too.
Mar 13, 2003 / The Editors
A Cheer for the New Nation of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro A Cheer for the New Nation of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro
Whose name stands out like banners made of Day-Glo? The State Union of Serbia and Montenegro! What sounds as if it's jerry-built by Lego?
Mar 13, 2003 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Dissent and Basketball Dissent and Basketball
During the Vietnam War the heavyweight boxing champion of the world, Muhammad Ali, refused to serve in the Army.
Mar 13, 2003 / Murray Polner
Selling the War on TV Selling the War on TV
Let's say you have a war to sell. You have the usual public relations tools at your disposal: highly scripted press conferences, stories leaked by White House officials to a co...
Mar 13, 2003 / Susan J. Douglas