Taking Sides Taking Sides
I suppose I can just about bear to watch the "inspections" pantomime a second time.
Sep 26, 2002 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
Concerning Hitchens Concerning Hitchens
We note with keen regret that this week marks the final appearance of Christopher Hitchens's column, "Minority Report." We have been publishing Christopher for more than twenty...
Sep 26, 2002 / The Editors
Nation Notes Nation Notes
Congratulations to Arthur Danto, whose life work will be the subject of a special conference, "Art, Action, History," open to the public, to be held October 3-5 at Columbia Uni...
Sep 26, 2002 / The Editors
There’s No, No In Your Eyes There’s No, No In Your Eyes
As Sung to Saddam Hussein by George W. Bush (With apologies to Eddy Howard, and anybody who becomes collateral damage)
Sep 26, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Bush Jumps the Gun With Preemptive Strikes Bush Jumps the Gun With Preemptive Strikes
President Bush's recently announced strategic global doctrine, which for the first time justifies a preemptive US strike against any regime thought to possess weapons of mass des...
Sep 26, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer
Democrats Whine About War Debate Democrats Whine About War Debate
Of late, Democrats have taken to whining that Bush is politicizing the debate over the war on Iraq. Actually, there's not much of a debate to politicize--s...
Sep 25, 2002 / David Corn
A Greener Germany A Greener Germany
In the future, German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and his Social Democrats will have reason to treat their junior coalition partner, the Greens, with more respect.
Sep 25, 2002 / Paul Hockenos
Wellstone and the War Wellstone and the War
Even as Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone announced his opposition to George W.
Sep 25, 2002 / John Nichols
Warring Democrats Warring Democrats
Before nonpresident Al Gore recently weighed in against President Bush's rush to war in Iraq (for posing "the potential to seriously damage our ability to win the war against t...
Sep 25, 2002 / David Corn
An Open Letter to the Members of Congress An Open Letter to the Members of Congress
On the eve of the October 2002 vote to authorize the overthrow the government of Iraq by military force, a plea to members of Congress to reject Bush's pre-emptive war went unh...
Sep 25, 2002 / The Editors