The Real IRA The Real IRA
This is the best book yet written about the Provisional Irish Republican Army.
Oct 31, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Eamonn McCann
Excursions in the Real World Excursions in the Real World
Why is so much fiction written in our language and why is so much of what is written of so little consequence?
Oct 31, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Patrick Smith
Taslima’s Pilgrimage Taslima’s Pilgrimage
"A war was about to start. Knots of wide-eyed people gathered in courtyards, in open fields, on street corners....
Oct 31, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Meredith Tax
A Nation at Risk A Nation at Risk
A year ago Congress overwhelmingly approved George W.
Oct 31, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Peter Sacks
In Our Orbit In Our Orbit
"Ifavor unconditional withdrawal from the territories," says a former head of Israel's security service, rather starkly, given his background. It's from an interview in this ed...
Oct 31, 2002 / Books & the Arts / The Editors
‘The Heart’s Garden’ ‘The Heart’s Garden’
The day that Kenneth Rexroth died was not a dark, cold day.
Oct 31, 2002 / Books & the Arts / John Palattella
The Right Way to Have Sex The Right Way to Have Sex
Debbie Nathan is an attendee of Feminist Futures, a New York-based study group whose organizers include Leonore Tiefer.
Oct 31, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Debbie Nathan
In Cold Type In Cold Type
Until and unless a nonhuman animal becomes a legal person, she will remain invisible to civil law." This quote from the legal profile in Bark magazine's fall issue in many ways...
Oct 31, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Amy Wilentz
Theories of Relativity Theories of Relativity
During one pleasant dinner aboard the Nation cruise, one of my tablemates told an amusing story about Einstein giving a lecture in which he stated that he expected the solar sy...
Oct 31, 2002 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Blowback: From Unruh to Muhammad Blowback: From Unruh to Muhammad
America is living in the blowback years.
Oct 31, 2002 / Column / Alexander Cockburn