
Season’s Greetings Season’s Greetings

Telluride, Toronto and After For folks involved in film, seasonal clocks can be set by the annual confluence of international film festivals (Telluride, Toronto, New York, Edinb...

Oct 4, 2001 / Books & the Arts / B. Ruby Rich

Where Are the Women? Where Are the Women?

Are there any people on earth more wretched than the women of Afghanistan? As if poverty, hunger, disease, drought, ruined cities and a huge refugee crisis weren't bad enou...

Oct 4, 2001 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Policy Profiteers Policy Profiteers

Battling the war profiteers of World War I, Robert La Follette reminded America that "wealth has never yet sacrificed itself on the altar of patriotism." The progressive senato...

Oct 4, 2001 / John Nichols

Press Watch Press Watch

Of all the programs I've seen on Afghanistan, not one was more chilling than Beneath the Veil, an hourlong documentary that has appeared frequently on CNN. Its narrator, Saira ...

Oct 4, 2001 / Michael Massing

Signs of the Times Signs of the Times

Protests against symbols of capitalism find themselves in a transformed landscape.

Oct 4, 2001 / Feature / Naomi Klein

Blaming bin Laden First Blaming bin Laden First

Just once more, and then we'll really have to get on with more pressing business. I could subscribe myself at any time to any of the following statements: § A...

Oct 4, 2001 / Column / Christopher Hitchens

A Peaceful Justice? A Peaceful Justice?

"We need to make it very clear," said one veteran activist at a recent meeting of a nascent New York City antiwar coalition, "that we want to punish the criminals." She meant, of ...

Oct 4, 2001 / Feature / Liza Featherstone

Hitting Terrorism’s Roots Hitting Terrorism’s Roots

While the Bush Administration continues to build an international coalition it hopes will allow it to strike back effectively at those responsible for the September 11 attacks, ...

Oct 4, 2001 / The Editors

Nation Notes Nation Notes

Arundhati Roy, author of The God of Small Things, whose essay deploring India's decision to test atomic weapons appeared in The Nation ("The End of Imagination," September 28, 19...

Oct 4, 2001 / The Editors

The Complex Fate of the Jewish-American Writer The Complex Fate of the Jewish-American Writer

As early as the 1960s, influential critics argued that American Jewish writing no longer counted as a distinct or viable literary project, for younger Jews had grown so ass...

Oct 4, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Morris Dickstein
