
The Left Debates September 11 The Left Debates September 11

The Left Debates September 11 The

Oct 17, 2001 / Our Readers

Bush’s Uzbek Bargain Bush’s Uzbek Bargain

After weeks of evasion and deflection, reminiscent of two illicit lovers keen to avoid scandal, the United States and Uzbekistan announced on October 12 that they had made a deal.

Oct 17, 2001 / Feature / Dilip Hiro

They’re Rich, They’re Spoiled, They’re Supporting Terrorists They’re Rich, They’re Spoiled, They’re Supporting Terrorists

What do we bomb next? Saudi Arabia? The Saudis would be a logical target if President Bush were serious about his stated goal of punishing nations that support terrorism.

Oct 16, 2001 / Column / Robert Scheer

Stiglitz Roars Back Stiglitz Roars Back

Joe Stiglitz is no fan of Washington consensus-style globalization. Read "The Globalizer Who Came In From The Cold," an interview with Stiglitz on the IMF, World Bank and WTO co...

Oct 15, 2001 / Feature / Tim Shorrock

Review of Review of

Afghanistan. By Angus Hamilton. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. $5 net.

Oct 11, 2001 / Books & the Arts / The Editors

Letters Letters

UNICEF AND TEXTBOOKS IN PALESTINE Jerusalem Fouad Moughrabi's "Battle of the Books in Palestine" [Oct. 1] incorrectly states that UNICEF evacuated its staff ...

Oct 11, 2001 / Fouad Moughrabi and Our Readers

The Children’s Memorial at Yad Vashem The Children’s Memorial at Yad Vashem

For Hana Amichai Inside a domed room photos of children's faces turn in a candlelit dark as recorded voices recite their names, ages and nationality. "Ah, such beautiful fac...

Oct 11, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Philip Schultz

The Democrats’ Dilemma The Democrats’ Dilemma

In trying to avoid being seen as unpatriotic, they risk looking like lapdogs.

Oct 11, 2001 / Feature / John Nichols

Ecobuilding’s New Mortar Ecobuilding’s New Mortar

The marching order to "leave nothing but footprints" enlisted an infantry of green builders this season, before our collective attention turned to security. While our man from th...

Oct 11, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Jane Holtz Kay

Letter From Berlin Letter From Berlin

The Green Party is in the throes of a crisis that threatens its very existence.

Oct 11, 2001 / Feature / Paul Hockenos
