
To the Oracle at Delphi To the Oracle at Delphi

Great Oracle,why are you staring at me, do I baffle you, do I make you despair? I, Americus, the American, wrought from the dark in my mother long ago, from the dark of ancien...

Sep 20, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Lawrence Ferlinghetti

A Just Response A Just Response

We must act effectively but within a framework of moral and legal restraints.

Sep 20, 2001 / Feature / Richard Falk

Justice, Not Vengeance Justice, Not Vengeance

The atrocious attacks on the World Trade Center were massive crimes against humanity in both a real-world sense and in a technical legal sense, as Richard Falk reminds us. As such...

Sep 20, 2001 / The Editors

Nation Notes Nation Notes

The Nation's phone and e-mail were disrupted as a result of the World Trade Center attacks. We are grateful to Public Interest Network Services for advice and technical support en...

Sep 20, 2001 / The Editors

Barbara Lee’s Stand Barbara Lee’s Stand

When Congress voted to authorize the Bush Administration to use military force in response to the September 11 terror attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Represent...

Sep 20, 2001 / The Editors

The Democrats’ Dilemma The Democrats’ Dilemma

So long, politics? As George W. Bush mounted Operation Noble Eagle, Republicans and Democrats found little over which to disagree. In the days after the September 11 terror attack...

Sep 20, 2001 / David Corn

A Matter of Rights A Matter of Rights

Nothing tests our commitment to principle like terrorism. Before September 11, America banned assassinations of foreign leaders; now the Administration is considering abandoning t...

Sep 20, 2001 / David Cole

The Uses of Adversity The Uses of Adversity

Sweet are the uses of adversity, Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous, Wears yet a precious jewel in his head; And this our life, exempt from public haunt, Finds tongues i...

Sep 20, 2001 / Column / Eric Alterman

Dust-up in the Dustbowl Dust-up in the Dustbowl

Oklahoma pushes yet again for 'right to work' legislation.

Sep 20, 2001 / Feature / John Nichols

Destined to Shadowbox With the Devil Destined to Shadowbox With the Devil

In a war on terror, there is no victory, for terrorism will always exist. It can be contained, but not eradicated.

Sep 18, 2001 / Column / Robert Scheer
