
The Beat The Beat

THE RIGHT 'CHOICE' In the first statewide race since the presidential election, Wisconsin voters gave George W. Bush's education program a failing grade. They overwhelmingly reject...

Apr 19, 2001 / Column / John Nichols

Corporate Welfare Spoils Corporate Welfare Spoils

In one of the most foolish and cruelly ironic urban public policy decisions in recent memory, New York Governor George Pataki and New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani are planning...

Apr 19, 2001 / Editorial / Ralph Nader

Journalism & Democracy Journalism & Democracy

On the importance of being a "public nuisance."

Apr 19, 2001 / Feature / Bill Moyers

Compassionate Aversionism Compassionate Aversionism

Within weeks of taking office, President Bush started to dispense compassionate conservatism with a vengeance. As the first order of business, he moved to give a massive tax windf...

Apr 19, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Gara LaMarche

Bush’s Contra Buddies Bush’s Contra Buddies

The current President George Bush, whose very name evokes a dark era many would prefer to forget, seems determined to resurrect the ghosts of America's scandal-ridden past. A numb...

Apr 19, 2001 / Editorial / Peter Kornbluh

Bush Unites the Enviros Bush Unites the Enviros

In early April an alert was sent out by a longtime oceans activist worried that the Bush Administration was about to reverse a program to establish marine protected areas. A numbe...

Apr 19, 2001 / Editorial / David Helvarg

Sex, Lies and Politics Sex, Lies and Politics

Congress is poised to reauthorize fearmongering "abstinence-only" sex ed.

Apr 19, 2001 / Feature / Marjorie Heins

No to Global Sweatshops No to Global Sweatshops

New York's City Council is about to open a promising new front in the global struggle against sweatshop exploitation--a city procurement ordinance that requires decent wages and f...

Apr 19, 2001 / Editorial / William Greider

McVeigh’s Last Mile McVeigh’s Last Mile

Attorney General John Ashcroft says he does not want Timothy McVeigh to "inject more poison into our culture"--a striking statement, given the method of McVeigh's execution. Accor...

Apr 19, 2001 / Editorial / The Editors

Nation Notes Nation Notes

William Greider's article "The Last Farm Crisis" (November 20, 2000) has won a Harry Chapin Media Award, given by World Hunger Year.... Gregory Palast's investigation into the pur...

Apr 19, 2001 / Editorial / The Editors
