Enron on the Hill Enron on the Hill
For weeks, conservative commentators and Bush White House defenders have been huffing that the Enron matter is a corporate scandal, not a political controversy--that it is an affai...
Jan 24, 2002 / Feature / David Corn
Enron’s Washington Enron’s Washington
It was a mistake--and a beaut--in Matt Bivens's piece "The Enron Box" where he confused the Houston Astros and the Texas Rangers. It is hereby duly acknowledged and regretted. Bu...
Jan 24, 2002 / Feature / Matt Bivens
A Bipartisan Scandal A Bipartisan Scandal
Members of Congress return to Washington this week. After afall in which their tenure was characterized by unprecedentedinaction, politicians who occupy positions of public trust w...
Jan 22, 2002 / John Nichols
Enron Got Its Money’s Worth Enron Got Its Money’s Worth
One of the major falsehoods being bandied about by apologists for the Bush Administration is that while Enron may have bankrolled much of the President's political career it got no...
Jan 22, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer
Letters Letters
JURY DUTY--I New York City A Trial by Jury, both the book and Carl T. Bogus's review ["A Verdict on the System," Dec. 10, 2001], were interesting and insig...
Jan 17, 2002 / Michael Massing, Wallace Shawn, and Our Readers
Afghanistan by Stagelight Afghanistan by Stagelight
A review of Tony Kushner's Homebody/Kabul.
Jan 17, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Elizabeth Pochoda
Harvard Raps West Harvard Raps West
As the chairman of Artemis Records, the company that released Cornel West's CD, Sketches of My Culture, I considered criticizing Cornel for his association with Lawrence Summers,...
Jan 17, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Danny Goldberg
Who’s Utopian Now? Who’s Utopian Now?
Welfare reform has left America dangerously undefended against hard times.
Jan 17, 2002 / Feature / Frances Fox Piven and Barbara Ehrenreich
The Sinking of the USS Enron–A Free-Market Metaphor The Sinking of the USS Enron–A Free-Market Metaphor
The pirate ship has sunk beneath the waves. The swabs who haven't gone to wat'ry graves Row desperately, though all of them now know Their water and their food are running low...
Jan 17, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin
A New Current in Palestine A New Current in Palestine
It's too soon to call it a party, but there's now a popular, independent group.
Jan 17, 2002 / Feature / Edward W. Said