
Chasing the Chador Chasing the Chador

Pauline Kael (that scamp) once called the Italian neorealist classic The Earth Trembles "the best boring movie ever made." Today the earth is inundated with Iranian neo-neorealism...

Apr 12, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Tim Appelo

Science or Politics? Science or Politics?

A question for the new millennium: When there is no paper, is there still a paper trail? Answer: Not unless you vacuum the Internet and print the download.

Apr 12, 2001 / Feature / Terry J. Allen

Letters Letters

REFORMER IN THE DELLS Milwaukee A postscript to Frances Fox Piven's excellent "Thompson's Easy Ride" [Feb. 26], on the elevation of Wi...

Apr 5, 2001 / Our Readers

The McCain-Feingold Bill The McCain-Feingold Bill

McCain and Feingold seem to have Big Mo: Soft money could now face a total ban. Which means some folks who've bought pols in the past Need now select a different purchase plan...

Apr 5, 2001 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Diamonds of Death Diamonds of Death

A tough bill is falling victim to the power of warlords and corporations. Meanwhile, diamond sales pay for wars that are killing thousands in Africa.

Apr 5, 2001 / Feature / Ken Silverstein

The Doctor Killers The Doctor Killers

The arrest in France of James Kopp, the accused assassin of Buffalo obstetrician Barnett Slepian, could not have come at a more awkward time for the Bush Administration. Bush inau...

Apr 5, 2001 / Bruce Shapiro

Pundits Who Predict the Future Are Always Wrong Pundits Who Predict the Future Are Always Wrong

A glance back to 1964 shows that predictions are always wrong and always political--and that the left's possibilities may be greater than they seem.

Apr 5, 2001 / Feature / Rick Perlstein

Aloha Las Vegas Aloha Las Vegas

Although it may come as a surprise to the rest of America, people from Hawaii also feel the urge to get away from it all--even the inhabitants of a paradise theme park can get ...

Apr 5, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Mindy Pennybacker

Nation Notes Nation Notes

We're pleased to announce that Jamie Lincoln Kitman's special report, "The Secret History of Lead" (March 20, 2000), has been awarded the Investigative Reporters and Editors' hig...

Apr 5, 2001 / The Editors

Publish or Speech Perishes Publish or Speech Perishes

In the words of the old folk song, "When will they ever learn?" David Horowitz, former radical who these days is in the business of promoting (1) neoconservatism and (2) David ...

Apr 5, 2001 / Victor Navasky
