
Protests in Kazakhstan Rattle Russia and China

Protests in Kazakhstan Rattle Russia and China Protests in Kazakhstan Rattle Russia and China

China’s response to massive protests in its energy-rich neighbor show that claims of noninterference in the domestic affairs of other countries are not to be taken at face value.

Feb 4, 2022 / Dilip Hiro

A woman holds a cardboard sign that says

We Need a 92 Percent Tax on Pandemic Profiteers We Need a 92 Percent Tax on Pandemic Profiteers

Let’s tax billionaires—and übermillionaires—back to where they stood when Covid-19 hit.

Feb 4, 2022 / John Nichols

US special forces group conducting weapons training

Another Banner Year for the Military-Industrial Complex Another Banner Year for the Military-Industrial Complex

Opposing Build Back Better while throwing so much more money at the Pentagon marks the ultimate in budgetary and national-security hypocrisy.

Feb 4, 2022 / William D. Hartung

100 Groups Demand That Biden Stop Escalating Tensions Over Ukraine

100 Groups Demand That Biden Stop Escalating Tensions Over Ukraine 100 Groups Demand That Biden Stop Escalating Tensions Over Ukraine

As the president deploys 3,000 US troops to Eastern Europe, anti-war groups and progressive leaders warn that the United States must avoid getting entangled in another war.

Feb 3, 2022 / John Nichols

Rep. Bennie Thompson

Don’t Sleep on the January 6 Committee Don’t Sleep on the January 6 Committee

I’d like it to be more public and to have more hearings. But it’s finding devastating evidence that Trump and friends broke the law.

Feb 3, 2022 / Joan Walsh


Hang-Ups Hang-Ups

Supreme injustice.

Feb 3, 2022 / OppArt / Harry Campbell


Getting Personal About Climate Change Made Me a Better Reporter Getting Personal About Climate Change Made Me a Better Reporter

Journalists need to start demanding solutions and stop worrying about bad-faith critics.

Feb 3, 2022 / Sammy Roth

Close up of a Male Health care worker wearing protective equipment, mask, gown and gloves, sitting in a chair beside a closed hospital room looking exhausted.

Why Wishful Thinking on Covid Remains As Dangerous as Ever Why Wishful Thinking on Covid Remains As Dangerous as Ever

Pundits urging us to treat Covid “like the flu” or pushing “the urgency of normal” are just variations of the siren song of surrender to needless death and preventable disease.

Feb 3, 2022 / Gregg Gonsalves

It’s Boris’s Party and Apparently He Can Booze if He Wants To

It’s Boris’s Party and Apparently He Can Booze if He Wants To It’s Boris’s Party and Apparently He Can Booze if He Wants To

The interim report into British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s flagrant disregard of his own lockdown rules was devastating. But that doesn’t mean he’ll be forced out of office. At...

Feb 3, 2022 / Gary Younge

Grocery store worker

In This Latest Covid Surge, Americans Are Struggling to Make Ends Meet Without Sick Leave In This Latest Covid Surge, Americans Are Struggling to Make Ends Meet Without Sick Leave

With the country in the throes of the deadliest Covid wave yet, American workers are back to having no federally mandated paid sick leave.

Feb 3, 2022 / Bryce Covert
