Sharon or Arafat: Which Is the Sponsor of Terror? Sharon or Arafat: Which Is the Sponsor of Terror?
Israel responds to a suicide bombing with untrammeled military repression—which action is terrorism (if not both)?
Dec 7, 2001 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Lessons in Islam From India Lessons in Islam From India
Disdained by the majority culture, Muslims turn for self-respect to absolutism.
Dec 7, 2001 / Feature / Akeel Bilgrami
Deported… Disappeared? Deported… Disappeared?
Recently deported, Ghasson Dahduli is now missing in Jordanian custody, and his family worries about what he's being subjected to.
Dec 7, 2001 / Amy Bach
‘Objectivity’ RIP ‘Objectivity’ RIP
As the country tilts toward war, media voices are craven in their obsequiousness.
Dec 7, 2001 / Column / Eric Alterman
And Darkness Covered the Land And Darkness Covered the Land
A report from Israel and Palestine.
Dec 7, 2001 / Feature / Robert I. Friedman
Ashcroft Skates Ashcroft Skates
Cowed Democrats fail to confront Ashcroft's civil liberties violations.
Dec 6, 2001 / Feature / David Corn
Chelsea in Oxford Chelsea in Oxford
Chelsea Clinton bristles at the antiwar movement while she attends Oxford.
Dec 4, 2001 / Feature / Daniel Swift
AFL-CIO Opens its Convention: Back to the Barricades AFL-CIO Opens its Convention: Back to the Barricades
The AFL-CIO is fighting two wars: standing with President Bush in the war on terror, and against him in his war against workers.
Dec 4, 2001 / Feature / Marc Cooper
It Is Crazy to Curtail Due Process Rules It Is Crazy to Curtail Due Process Rules
America's enemies are not uniquely 'evil,' and it's naive to think of them as such.
Dec 4, 2001 / Column / Robert Scheer
War Without End War Without End
Allied 'surgical strikes' in Kosovo in 1999 created environmental hotspots yet to cleaned up; the same might happen in Afghanistan.
Dec 2, 2001 / Feature / A.C. Thompson