
Stupefied Democracy Stupefied Democracy

This election may jolt Americans out of a passive acceptance of civil mythologies.

Nov 16, 2000 / Feature / William Greider

The ‘Ism’ That Won the Century The ‘Ism’ That Won the Century

To buy or not to buy turns out to have been the question of the century in America--Just Do It or Just Say No. And in the past fifteen years, consumer society has moved to the ce...

Nov 16, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Lawrence B. Glickman

The Long Count The Long Count

When you read this, George W. Bush may be President, which will most likely mean that his lawyers, his brother Jeb and his Florida campaign co-chair and ambassadorial wannabe Kat...

Nov 16, 2000 / The Editors

Nader: Is There Life After Crucifixion? Nader: Is There Life After Crucifixion?

He's full of plans for joining the Green Party to citizens' movements. His critics, he says, are "frightened liberals."

Nov 16, 2000 / Feature / David Corn

Globalization From Below Globalization From Below

International solidarity is the key to consolidating the legacy of Seattle.

Nov 16, 2000 / Feature / Jeremy Brecher

Relax, Enjoy the Ride; Democracy Is Doing OK Relax, Enjoy the Ride; Democracy Is Doing OK

When George W. Bush spokesman James A. Baker III termed the fight over the Florida vote recount "a black mark on our democracy," he couldn't have been more wrong. At the time h...

Nov 14, 2000 / Column / Robert Scheer

Malthusian Delusions? Malthusian Delusions?

Malthusian Delusions? Franklin, N.Y. Amartya Sen starts his otherwise sensible "Population and Gender Equity" [July 24/31] with the unproven assertion that Thomas Malth...

Nov 10, 2000 / Our Readers

Now Set the Teeth… Now Set the Teeth…

Afew days before the election, I accompanied a friend to the dentist's office. It was one of those situations in which appearance takes over more complex realities of who we are....

Nov 10, 2000 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Rare Good News Rare Good News

The Journal of Nutrition wrote about Some researchers who tested chocolate out. It may help stave off heart attacks, they claim. Red wine, we've known for years, can do the sa...

Nov 10, 2000 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Mr. Sammler’s Planet Mr. Sammler’s Planet

What ought to be read--and why--are questions that have a unique urgency in a multicultural milieu, where each group fights, legitimately, for its own space and voice. In the pas...

Nov 10, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Ilan Stavans
