Milosevic on Trial Milosevic on Trial
The prospect of Slobodan Milosevic facing justice before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia is a giant step. For the first time in history a former head...
Jul 12, 2001 / The Editors
Till Earth and Heaven Ring Till Earth and Heaven Ring
The NAACP is back, and it plans on being heard.
Jul 12, 2001 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss
Pinochet’s Charade Pinochet’s Charade
Augusto Pinochet entered political life in 1973 by destroying the rule of law. Now, twenty-eight years later, thanks to a decision by a Chilean appeals court, he exits the public ...
Jul 12, 2001 / Marc Cooper
Scalia’s Kind of Privacy Scalia’s Kind of Privacy
One of the most surprising decisions of the Supreme Court term just concluded was Justice Antonin Scalia's ruling in favor of a criminal defendant who claimed that a thermal imagi...
Jul 12, 2001 / David Cole
Letter From Palestine Letter From Palestine
The mood in the occupied territories is one of growing rage and despair.
Jul 12, 2001 / Feature / Roane Carey
Virtual Pinocchio Virtual Pinocchio
Why did Steven Spielberg and Stanley Kubrick want Spielberg to direct Kubrick's A.I., the fable of a robot who wants a human mother's love? Imagine the personals ad Kubrick might ...
Jul 12, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Tim Appelo
Eminem: Grammy’s Homecoming Queen? Eminem: Grammy’s Homecoming Queen?
So if you managed to endure CBS's three-plus hours of Grammy cov erage, if you survived the sparsely attended protests from GLAAD and NOW, host Jon Stewart's lame commentary, the ...
Jul 9, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Richard Kim
Passing the Buck in Florida Passing the Buck in Florida
Joseph Heller would have had a field day with the hearings of the US Commission on Civil Rights in Tallahassee last week.
Jul 9, 2001 / John Lantigua
Pacifica Myths and Realities Pacifica Myths and Realities
Since our very beginning, Pacifica Radio has been a tumultuous and controversial experiment, striving to mesh together divergent views and passionate factions.
Jul 9, 2001 / KPFK-LA Management