
Why Dubya Can’t Read Why Dubya Can’t Read

The poor guy is obviously dyslexic, and dyslexic to the point of near-illiteracy.

Sep 24, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Christopher Hitchens

Trulock Is Source of Botched Lee Case Trulock Is Source of Botched Lee Case

In a bad spy flick, there's got to be a character like Notra Trulock, an obsessed sleuth who always gets his man--even if it's the wrong man.

Sep 12, 2000 / Column / Robert Scheer

Iraq: What the Butler Saw Iraq: What the Butler Saw

At the beginning of September, Hans Blix, head of UNMOVIC, the latest UN commission for verifying Iraqi disarmament, poised to report his new team's readiness to go into Iraq.

Sep 7, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Ian Williams

In the American Grain In the American Grain

After his death in 1975 at the age of 70, Lionel Trilling underwent something of an eclipse.

Sep 7, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Ilan Stavans

Freedom From Religion, ¡Si! Freedom From Religion, ¡Si!

"The Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom from religion," Senator Joseph Lieberman told a rapturous audience at a black church a few Sundays ago, just after...

Sep 7, 2000 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Rock in a Hard Place Rock in a Hard Place

Blessed with a pitch-perfect name for his métier, Lester Bangs wrote on the subject of rock music--writing, for him, being a matter of slamming two nouns together so the...

Sep 7, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans

Russia’s Environmental Crisis Russia’s Environmental Crisis

NPR's Living On Earth program broadcast a radio version of this story over the weekend of September 1-3, 2000. Research support provided by the Investigative Fund of the Nation Ins...

Sep 7, 2000 / Feature / Mark Hertsgaard

The Discreet Charm of Hoffa Jr. The Discreet Charm of Hoffa Jr.

Marc Cooper's July 24/31 "Where's Hoffa Driving the Teamsters?" provoked a storm of controversy from Honolulu to Brooklyn.

Sep 7, 2000 / Marc Cooper and Our Readers

A Dream of Californication A Dream of Californication

A genre is dissolving.

Sep 7, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Melvin Jules Bukiet

Selma Is Still Selma Selma Is Still Selma

Selma, Alabama, a touchstone in the civil rights movement, is frozen in a way that confounds onlookers.

Sep 7, 2000 / Amy Bach
