Beware of Bush; He’s Not What He Seems Beware of Bush; He’s Not What He Seems
What a deal! Elect George W. Bush President and you get government lite--eat all you want without gaining a pound. Bush promises to cut taxes for all, dramatically increase mil...
Oct 24, 2000 / Column / Robert Scheer
‘Charity Believeth All Things…’ ‘Charity Believeth All Things…’
Rochester, Mich. Dennis Hoover is mistaken when he recommends that we say "Yes to Charitable Choice" [Aug. 7/14]. The issue is exactly the same as with religious schoo...
Oct 19, 2000 / Our Readers
Bush: Marlboro’s Man Bush: Marlboro’s Man
While the differences between George W. Bush and Al Gore may still be coming into focus for many Americans in the final weeks before the election, one is already stark. On tobacc...
Oct 19, 2000 / Dan Zegart
Another ‘October Surprise’ Another ‘October Surprise’
Poor Anthony Summers--he writes a 600-page book on Nixon based on massive and exhaustive research, including interviews with a thousand people and 120 pages of documentation--and...
Oct 19, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Jon Wiener
Trick or Treat Trick or Treat
The voters hear on Halloween The country's doorbell ring. There's Bush dressed up as real adult And Gore as human being.
Oct 19, 2000 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Europe: Is There a Fourth Way? Europe: Is There a Fourth Way?
If Western Europe is to be independent it must defend its welfare state.
Oct 19, 2000 / Feature / Daniel Singer
A Working Third Party A Working Third Party
Multiracial and populist, New York's Working Families Party gains ground.
Oct 19, 2000 / Feature / Micah L. Sifry
What Do They Want? What Do They Want?
I keep reading that the election turns on women's votes. Yet apart from the issue of abortion, women seem curiously invisible this election season--except of course for the endle...
Oct 19, 2000 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Unhealthy Politics Unhealthy Politics
The number-one healthcare issue facing the country is not which prescription drug plan is best for seniors or whether a handful of patients will be able to sue their HMOs. It is ...
Oct 19, 2000 / Trudy Lieberman
The Kiss The Kiss
You may find reading Akhil Sharma's debut novel akin to having your head held underwater. Attendant with feelings of a relentless, choking panic, though, will be an almost preter...
Oct 19, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Amitava Kumar