Report From New York Report From New York
As workers and holiday shoppers spilled out of Manhattan's midtown skyscrapers and stores during rush hour last week, they were confronted with an unusual sight: Several thousa...
Dec 15, 1999 / Roane Carey
Lord High Executioners Lord High Executioners
He looks like a pear that's going bad. Tall, corpulent and much the worse for gravity, W.S.
Dec 15, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans
What Price, Palestine? What Price, Palestine?
The plan to take Israeli athletes hostage during the 1972 Munich Olympic Games was conceived at a cafe on the Piazza della Rotonda in Rome, in the shadow of the Pantheon and the ...
Dec 15, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Michael Young
Was Communism Reformable? Was Communism Reformable?
Never in history until the Soviet Union collapsed eight years ago had a great empire gone through such cataclysmic changes and accepted such staggering territorial losses without...
Dec 15, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Robert V. Daniels
![(AP Photo / John Duricka, File)](
John McCain’s Vietnam John McCain’s Vietnam
Though he suffered as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, he seems blind to the suffering inflicted on that nation by America's brutal and misguided war.
Dec 15, 1999 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss
The Prattle on Seattle The Prattle on Seattle
The ideological rigidity that governs punditocracy trade debate transcends right/left dichotomies.
Dec 15, 1999 / Column / Eric Alterman
On the Latest Republican Debate On the Latest Republican Debate
I watched these presidential hopefuls join Together for debating in Des Moines, And many times I heard allegiance sworn To Jesus and to babies not quite born.
Dec 15, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Joseph Heller Joseph Heller
Nelson Algren's 1961 review of Catch-22 is at
Dec 15, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Christopher Hitchens
The ‘Single Standard’ in Kosovo The ‘Single Standard’ in Kosovo
Cambridge, Mass.
Dec 15, 1999 / Christopher Hitchens and Noam Chomsky