
When Medicare Helped Kill Jim Crow

When Medicare Helped Kill Jim Crow When Medicare Helped Kill Jim Crow

By making health care broadly available, the government helps ensure our freedom.

Jan 19, 2021 / Mike Konczal

Alliance Between Vigilantes and Law Enforcement: A US Tradition

Alliance Between Vigilantes and Law Enforcement: A US Tradition Alliance Between Vigilantes and Law Enforcement: A US Tradition

On the continuity between the early-20th-century American Protective League and today’s violent “patriots.”

Jan 19, 2021 / R.H. Lossin

Greece to the US: So You’ve Experienced a Coup…

Greece to the US: So You’ve Experienced a Coup… Greece to the US: So You’ve Experienced a Coup…

US democracy proved precarious on January 6 for the same reason it’s been thwarted around the world.

Jan 18, 2021 / Angela Dimitrakaki

Like Lincoln, Biden Will Be Inaugurated Under the Shadow of Violence

Like Lincoln, Biden Will Be Inaugurated Under the Shadow of Violence Like Lincoln, Biden Will Be Inaugurated Under the Shadow of Violence

With Washington swarming with troops and his travel schedule derailed, the president-elect faces the same dilemma as that of 1861.

Jan 18, 2021 / Jeet Heer

Katie Porter Is a Politician Progressives Should Fight For

Katie Porter Is a Politician Progressives Should Fight For Katie Porter Is a Politician Progressives Should Fight For

Give her that waiver—and stop the bankers from celebrating.

Jan 18, 2021 / Katrina vanden Heuvel



The arc of history.

Jan 18, 2021 / OppArt / Jody Hewgill

Time for a Pandemic Pivot

Time for a Pandemic Pivot Time for a Pandemic Pivot

Rather than a bailout or stimulus that primarily benefits banks or fossil-fuel corporations, the current crisis calls for creative thinking and bold action.

Jan 18, 2021 / John Feffer

Martin Luther King Jr.

A $2,000 Check Is a Good Start, but Struggling Americans Need $2,000 Every Month A $2,000 Check Is a Good Start, but Struggling Americans Need $2,000 Every Month

Dr. King taught us that direct cash payments are a smart response to poverty and mass unemployment. In this crisis, we need to heed that call.

Jan 18, 2021 / John Nichols

Betsy DeVos protests

Bye, Betsy — and Good Riddance Bye, Betsy — and Good Riddance

DeVos leaves behind a trail of cruelties for the Biden administration to correct. Addressing student debt and Title IX changes would be a start.

Jan 18, 2021 / StudentNation / Jessica Suriano

Political Ineptitude Tempered Trump’s Fascist Behavior

Political Ineptitude Tempered Trump’s Fascist Behavior Political Ineptitude Tempered Trump’s Fascist Behavior

There is nothing more fascist-like than Trump telling the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”

Jan 18, 2021 / The Debate / Mabel Berezin
