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And Justice for All?

Our unbalanced justice system.

Andrea Arroyo and Brian Stauffer

May 11, 2023

Check out all installments in the OppArt series.

Andrea ArroyoTwitterAndrea Arroyo is co–art director of Opp-Art. She is an award-winning artist working in fine art, site-specific installation, public art and illustration. Her work is published widely (including in The New Yorker and The New York Times) and is exhibited internationally. She is the creator of “Unnatural Election: Artists Respond to the US Election.” Her 3-venue exhibition “Art as Solidarity” presented by The Hispanic Society Museum, The Morris-Jumel Mansion Museum and The United Palace in Manhattan is on view through July 31, 2022. Her new book: “ImagiNATIONS: Art As Solidarity” was published by NowWhat Media.

Brian StaufferTwitterAs a contributing artist to publications including The New York Times, Time, The New Yorker, The Nation, The Village Voice, Rolling Stone, Esquire, GQ, and over 300 others worldwide, Brian is best known for illustrations with a conceptual take on social issues.

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